Ringworld Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ringworld Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Louis think the ship crashed on Ringworld if Teela is supernaturally lucky?
(a) Her luck was affected by the stasis.
(b) She is only lucky when she is awake.
(c) She needed to be on Ringworld.
(d) Her luck only works on Earth.

2. What does the priest call the floating castle?
(a) The Temple.
(b) Home.
(c) Sanctuary.
(d) Heaven.

3. What does Speaker fly off to investigate?
(a) A gold flicker on the land below.
(b) A shiny break in the clouds.
(c) A curious noise coming from the trees.
(d) A dark ring of smoke in the distance.

4. What does Louis use the wire for in Chapter 24?
(a) To catapult the Improbable into space.
(b) To fix the Liar.
(c) To pull the liar to the top of the mountain.
(d) To kill Nessus.

5. What would domination of others do to the kzin people?
(a) Make them happy.
(b) Destroy them.
(c) Bring them to Ringworld.
(d) Allow them to grow.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 17, what does Nessus believe about the original inhabitants of the Ringworld?

2. What are the people who built the city and flying castle called?

3. What happens to Nessus when he gets stuck in a wire trap?

4. What kind of structure is in the force field?

5. Who does the crew leave in the floating castle?

Short Essay Questions

1. Please describe Seeker.

2. What realization about the puppeteers and the man-kzin does Louis come to in Chapter 13?

3. What plan does Louis present to Speaker in the starter of Chapter 14?

4. What information does the map room show the crew?

5. What is found inside the force field in Chapter 19?

6. What happens in Chapter 22 when the crew tried to collect some of the square wire?

7. How does Louis respond when thousands of natives come to the flying castle in Chapter 16 and what does he learn?

8. What does the crew do after Speaker is hit and until darkness falls in Chapter 15?

9. What happens to Teela in Chapter 18 after she is sucked into the storm?

10. What is Louis's final plan to get the Liar and the crew off of the Ringworld?

(see the answer keys)

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