Revolution Test | Final Test - Medium

Jennifer Donnelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Revolution Test | Final Test - Medium

Jennifer Donnelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Andi not allowed to take into the Eiffel Tower?
(a) A cell phone.
(b) The journal.
(c) Her iPod.
(d) Her guitar.

2. What does Andi learn about the heart her father has been testing?
(a) It belonged to Alex.
(b) It belonged to the prince's sister.
(c) It belonged to Louis-Charles.
(d) It did not belong to Louis-Charles.

3. What does Virgil want Andi to tell him?
(a) What happened to her.
(b) She will stay in Paris.
(c) That she loves him.
(d) The story about Alex.

4. What happens to Andi as they attempt to enter the catacombs?
(a) She falls and must be carried by Virgil.
(b) She see ghosts.
(c) She is chased by guards.
(d) She is almost hit by a train.

5. Who is Amade?
(a) Virgil's cousin.
(b) The Dauphin.
(c) Malherbeau.
(d) Alex's brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Duc d' Orleans promise Alex if she agrees to spy on the royal family?

2. What does Virgil surprise Andi with as they wait for the sun to rise?

3. What did Andi hear when she and Nick stopped to eat?

4. What does Virgil give Andi at the end of their date?

5. Why is Andi groggy when she wakes up the next morning?

Short Essay Questions

1. What choice is Alex faced with after the queen gives her the guitar?

2. What does Alex see that keeps her from abandoning the Louis-Charles and fleeing Paris?

3. What does the Duc d' Orleans want from Alex?

4. What happens between Andi and her father after she hears him talking to his girlfriend on the phone?

5. Who is the girl Andi saw Virgil kiss at Remy's?

6. What is ironic about the death of the Duc d' Orleans?

7. What happens to Alex?

8. What are some of the clues that indicate the strange man in the tunnel is not of our century?

9. What happens to Andi in the catacombs that finally convinces her she wants to live?

10. What does Amade Malherbeau reveal about himself?

(see the answer keys)

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