Remembering Babylon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Remembering Babylon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Lachlan feel when he visits Gemmy at Mrs. Hutchence's house?
(a) Happy
(b) Isolated
(c) Relieved
(d) Confused

2. What awakens Ellen at the beginning of this chapter?
(a) Bumps against the wall of the hut
(b) Jock getting up and leaving the bed
(c) A knock at the front door of the hut
(d) Gemmy's yells

3. Who does Mr. Frazer attempt to tell Sir George about?
(a) The aborigines
(b) George Abbot
(c) The McIvors
(d) Gemmy

4. Who rescues Gemmy from the mob?
(a) The natives
(b) Mr. Frazer
(c) Jock
(d) Lachlan

5. What role does Lachlan initially take with Gemmy?
(a) He acts as his enemy.
(b) He acts as his brother.
(c) He acts as his teacher.
(d) He acts as his protector.

6. Where has Mr. Frazer taken Gemmy's papers?
(a) To the aborigines
(b) To Brisbane
(c) To the McIvors
(d) To England

7. What does Lachlan promise Gemmy after his visit to Mrs. Hutchence's?
(a) Lachlan promises he will defend Gemmy in the future.
(b) Lachlan promises he will return to visit Gemmy again.
(c) Lachlan promises he will never let Gemmy be hurt again.
(d) Lachlan promises to restore his friendship with Gemmy.

8. Where does Janet live in this chapter?
(a) In the old settlement
(b) In a convent
(c) In Brisbane
(d) In Mrs. Hutchence's old home

9. Why is Jock relieved when the mob disperses?
(a) He does not want the neighbors to be upset with him.
(b) He does not have to see who attacked Gemmy.
(c) He would have had to kill one of them if he saw them.
(d) He is glad Gemmy is unharmed.

10. What was Willett's profession?
(a) He was a dog catcher.
(b) He was a landlord.
(c) He was a rat catcher.
(d) He ran an orphanage.

11. Where does Jock sleep after the attack on Gemmy?
(a) He does not sleep
(b) On the front porch of the hut
(c) In Gemmy's lean-to
(d) In his bed

12. What does Gemmy do with the hunting ferrets one night when Willett passes out drunk?
(a) He feeds them treats.
(b) He sets them on fire.
(c) He kills them.
(d) He releases them from their cages.

13. What is the only name that George Abbot recognizes in Gemmy's description of what he wants from the teacher?
(a) Leona
(b) Willett
(c) Lachlan
(d) Jock

14. Who assists Gemmy in finding a new home after he is attacked?
(a) Mrs. Frazer
(b) Mr. Frazer
(c) Jock
(d) Mrs. Hutchence

15. What did the natives give Gemmy when they visited him?
(a) Soil and water
(b) A weapon
(c) Sand
(d) A stone

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Gemmy move in with after he is attacked?

2. Who is the only child at the settlement whom Lachlan becomes close with?

3. Who does Mr. Frazer go to Brisbane to meet with?

4. What does Gemmy believe will happen if a person ignores someone who only wants attention?

5. How does Gemmy react to the attack on the geese?

(see the answer keys)

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