Redemption Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Redemption Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Jack when he is making up his stories?
(a) Sitting in his bed at night.
(b) Milking the cows.
(c) Riding on the tractor at work.
(d) In the shower.

2. What recitation of his father's does Jack recall as he suffers his anger and grief?
(a) Silas Marner's monologue.
(b) Brutus' soliloquy.
(c) Mark Antony's condemnation.
(d) Cicero's final speech.

3. Where does Jack feel a sense of belonging when he is working?
(a) In the barn with the cows.
(b) In the kitchen with his mother and sister.
(c) On the tractor with his father.
(d) In the fields with his uncles

4. What is Phoebe's job after everyone has finished with lunch?
(a) To pick up everything, put it all in the basket, and bring the basket home.
(b) To leave the basket and the leftovers for Jack to bring back later.
(c) To pick up everything, throw it away, and go home.
(d) To fill the basket with dirty laundry and bring it home.

5. What does Jack notice about his sister as she is laying out the food?
(a) She is smiling and acting like she is playing house.
(b) She is falling asleep from exhaustion.
(c) She is weak with hunger.
(d) She is crying and very unhappy.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is the child when he dies?

2. How does Jack feel when he is in the barn with the cows and other animals?

3. When Jack stops for lunch after driving the tractor in the fields all morning, where does he sit?

4. For what does Jack's father often abandon his wife and children?

5. What is Jack indignant about when he is in the kitchen?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Jack ask Yegudkin after he plays, and how does the teacher respond?

2. While Jack is sitting with Phoebe under the tree at lunchtime, he senses she wants to say something to him. How does he react? What might Phoebe wanted to talk about with her brother?

3. When Jack comes into the house after work and finds the kitchen empty and the living room door closed, he opens the door to walk into the living room. Describe the scene Jack finds when he opens the door.

4. Now that his father is home to stay, what does Jack with his free time. Why?

5. How does the family react to Dale Hawthorne's frequent disappearances? How does Jack react to his father's disappearances?

6. How does the story open? How does the first sentence compel the reader to read the next?

7. When Jack leaves his lesson with Yegudkin, where does he go?

8. Jack and Phoebe have an interchange about saying grace over lunch. What is that interchange, and why is important to the story?

9. What chores are Jack responsible for when he works in the barn? What feelings do the chores arouse in him?

10. With whom does Jack begin studying French horn? What information are we given about this teacher in this section? Where does he teach?

(see the answer keys)

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