Redemption Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Redemption Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the person in the barn say to him while he is working with the cows?
(a) "What time is it, Jackie?"
(b) "You all right there, Jackie?"
(c) "Need any help, Jackie?"
(d) "Can you look at this for me, Jack?"

2. What is in the shallow drawer of Yegudkin's desk in his office?
(a) Mouthpieces for horns.
(b) Letters from family in Russia.
(c) Tools for repairing horns.
(d) Reeds for instruments.

3. How old is Yegudkin when we meet him?
(a) Sixty.
(b) Seventy-five.
(c) Fifty.
(d) Seventy.

4. Since his return home, what about Dale's public readings does Jack disdain?
(a) He dislikes the way his father creates fake accents when reading.
(b) He thinks his father is faking just to get attention.
(c) He believes his father is being dishonest with people.
(d) He scorns the poems and the way his father speaks to the listeners.

5. What poems does Jack's father recite in public now that he has returned home?
(a) "I Lean on the Lord" and "Why Must This Be?"
(b) "The Weight of the World" and "Sufferers Be Still."
(c) "Tomorrow's Bridge" and "This Too Will Pass."
(d) "Bridge to Madison County" and "My Way."

6. How does Jack react to the answer Yegudkin gives him after playing the horn for his student?
(a) He blinks and begins to sob.
(b) He blinks and smiles.
(c) He blinks and his legs go weak.
(d) He blinks and leaves the room.

7. What is Jack's horn teacher's nickname?
(a) The Private.
(b) The Sergeant.
(c) The General.
(d) The Major.

8. After leaving Russia, what does Yegudkin do in his new country?
(a) He finds a factory job in a city.
(b) He studies with a French historian.
(c) He stays home and cares for his wife.
(d) He plays French horn to great praise by the critics.

9. On what day are Jack's music lessons?
(a) Thursdays.
(b) Saturdays.
(c) Tuesdays.
(d) Fridays.

10. What does Dale say to Jack as he is standing at the door?
(a) "I have missed you."
(b) "My son."
(c) "Jackie."
(d) "Forgive me."

11. What is Phoebe doing during the homecoming?
(a) Asking her aunt what to make for dinner.
(b) Talking to her cousins.
(c) Looking for Jack.
(d) Sitting next to her mother and hugging both her mother and father.

12. Who is on the sidewalk with Jack as he leaves his lesson to go home?
(a) Smiling, excited shoppers.
(b) Smiling, happy shoppers.
(c) Dazed, smiling shoppers.
(d) Dazed, irritable shoppers.

13. What position does Jack play in the orchestra?
(a) Third chair French horn.
(b) First chair French horn.
(c) Fourth chair French horn.
(d) Second chair French horn.

14. How does the narrator describe Yegudkin's playing the French horn?
(a) As if an unskilled musician had played the horn.
(b) As if a creature from some other universe had appeared in the room.
(c) As if angels had entered the room.
(d) As if a thousand brass bands were playing.

15. What happens when the Yegudkins are on their way to Siberia?
(a) They are shot and left for dead.
(b) They are picked up by soldiers and brought to Kiev.
(c) They are returned to Kerensky.
(d) They are put in work camps.

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom does Jack take his horn lessons?

2. What does Jack's mother say about his horn playing?

3. Since his father has returned home, what does Jack do late at night?

4. What does Jack's aunt say to him while he is standing in the doorway?

5. Where and when does Jack refuse to play his horn?

(see the answer keys)

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