Redemption Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Redemption Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the names of Jack's aunt and uncle who are in the house for Dale's homecoming?
(a) Ruth and Ben.
(b) Ruth and David.
(c) Ruth and Walt.
(d) Anne and Walt.

2. What does Yedugkin wear to work every day?
(a) Spats, a long grey overcoat, and a black beret.
(b) Spats, a long black overcoat, and a black fedora.
(c) A long balck overcoat, a grey suit, and a grey fedora.
(d) A long grey overcoat, a black suit, and a black beret.

3. A few nights after his lunch with Phoebe, what does Jack notice when he comes into the kitchen after work one evening?
(a) His sister is practicing her piano.
(b) All of the lights are on.
(c) His mother is asleep on the couch.
(d) The house is unusually quiet.

4. After leaving Russia, what does Yegudkin do in his new country?
(a) He studies with a French historian.
(b) He finds a factory job in a city.
(c) He plays French horn to great praise by the critics.
(d) He stays home and cares for his wife.

5. How does the narrator describe Yegudkin's playing the French horn?
(a) As if angels had entered the room.
(b) As if an unskilled musician had played the horn.
(c) As if a creature from some other universe had appeared in the room.
(d) As if a thousand brass bands were playing.

6. How does Jack react to his father's exposing his family's writings?
(a) Jack gets very angry and yells at his father.
(b) Jack gets very angry, but does not speak.
(c) Jack applauds loudly.
(d) Jack stands up and leaves.

7. What makes Jack turn his head and look up while he is thinking and preparing the cows for milking in the barn?
(a) His cousin asks him a question.
(b) HIs uncle speaks to him.
(c) One of the farmhands needs help.
(d) His mother come to talk to him.

8. What does Jack notice about his father since his return home?
(a) His eyes no longer work as well as they used to.
(b) HIs eyes not longer sparkle, and he does not have a actor's style.
(c) He does not like to talk to people anymore.
(d) He has lost his sense of humor.

9. On what day are Jack's music lessons?
(a) Tuesdays.
(b) Thursdays.
(c) Saturdays.
(d) Fridays.

10. What does Jack think about while preparing the cow for the milking machine later in evening after his lunch with Phoebe?
(a) His school work.
(b) His lack of friends.
(c) His father.
(d) His need to get away for awhile.

11. What does Jack to do avoid family togetherness since his father's return?
(a) He leaves on his father's motorcycle.
(b) He spends all his time locked in his room.
(c) He reads about foreign travels.
(d) He plays his French horn.

12. What does Yegudkin say as he hands the horn to his student?
(a) "Good horn."
(b) "Good instrument."
(c) "Good luck."
(d) "Good sound."

13. What happens when the Yegudkins are on their way to Siberia?
(a) They are returned to Kerensky.
(b) They are shot and left for dead.
(c) They are put in work camps.
(d) They are picked up by soldiers and brought to Kiev.

14. How does Jack feel when his aunt speaks to him in the living room?
(a) His eyes were wide open and he was screaming.
(b) His knees were weak and his heart was pounding.
(c) His back hurt and he tries to sit down.
(d) His hands were shaking and he was laughing.

15. What does Jack do when he finally enters the living room?
(a) He stands next to his aunt and uncle.
(b) He stands next to his father and pats his back.
(c) He kneels next to his father and puts his arm around him.
(d) He sits next to his mother on the couch.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is on the sidewalk with Jack as he leaves his lesson to go home?

2. What does Yegudkin look like?

3. How does Jack feel as he nears the homecoming scene?

4. When Jack reaches the street after his lesson, what does he do?

5. Now that his father is home, what does Jack tell himself at night when he is alone?

(see the answer keys)

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