Redemption Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Redemption Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What explanation does Jack give Phoebe at the beginning of lunch that puts her at rest?
(a) He enjoys being just the two of them for lunch.
(b) He is happy with the lunch.
(c) He is a very neat eater.
(d) He has said grace in his head.

2. How does Phoebe feel about having lunch with her brother?
(a) She is disappointed her mother does not join them.
(b) She is happy to get out of the house and away from her chores.
(c) She is angry that she has to carry the heavy basket up the hill.
(d) She is sad to see Jack sitting all alone.

3. What does Jack use to push the manure in the barn into the gutters?
(a) A long handled shovel.
(b) A push broom.
(c) A blunt wooden scraper.
(d) A metal trowel.

4. What musical instrument does Jack's mother force on him?
(a) French horn.
(b) Guitar.
(c) Violin.
(d) Flute.

5. How far is the Hawthorne farm from the nearest house?
(a) Two miles.
(b) Five miles.
(c) Half a mile.
(d) One mile.

6. What does Jack's father struggle with about his religious beliefs?
(a) How anyone could not believe in God.
(b) How God could be in Heaven.
(c) Is there a Hell?
(d) How God could let such a horrible thing happen to his child.

7. What is Jack indignant about when he is in the kitchen?
(a) Everyone talking too loudly.
(b) He is the only one working this hard.
(c) HIs mother is eating again.
(d) Everyone pretending eveything is ok.

8. While riding on the tractor, what things does Jack say about himself to himself?
(a) He should never have been driving the tractor in the first place.
(b) He is guilty but feels better each day.
(c) He is spiritually defective and evil.
(d) He is almost a teeneager and has his whole life ahead of him.

9. Where on the farm does Jack work with his uncles?
(a) In the back forty with the cultipacker.
(b) In the silo shoveling grain.
(c) In the fields with the tractors.
(d) In the dairy barn with the cows.

10. What does Jack become aware of about himself as he sits under the tree with Phoebe?
(a) His anger toward his sister.
(b) His continued torment over his brother's death.
(c) HIs physical condition after a morning's work in the field.
(d) His loneliness and alienation.

11. How does Jack feel when he is in the barn with the cows and other animals?
(a) He feels lonely and frightened.
(b) He feels remorseful and guilty.
(c) He feels confused and anxious.
(d) He feels at home and almost pleasant.

12. In the opening of the story, who dies in April?
(a) Dale Hawthorne.
(b) Daniel Hawthorne.
(c) John Hawthorne.
(d) David Hawthorne.

13. What sight does Jack see when he remembers his brother's death?
(a) The evening sky.
(b) The brake on the tractor.
(c) The cultipacker stalling when it hits his brother.
(d) The cultipacker rolling over his brother's body.

14. What does Jack finally contemplate while riding on the tractor telling his stories?
(a) College.
(b) Suicide.
(c) Murder.
(d) Escape.

15. What time of day is it when Jack brings in the herd from the upper pasture?
(a) Midday.
(b) Late evening.
(c) Early morning.
(d) Early afternoon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do his co-workers accept about Dale Hawthorne since his son has died?

2. What month is it when Jack sits under the tree with Phoebe and has lunch?

3. As Jack walks down the road, what is on his left?

4. How does Jack describe the memory of his brother's death?

5. Where is Jack when he is making up his stories?

(see the answer keys)

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