Redeeming Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Francine Rivers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Redeeming Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Francine Rivers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Angel try to make up her betrayal to Michael?
(a) By labor.
(b) With a gift.
(c) By going to church.
(d) With a kiss.

2. What two subjects was Lucky never allowed to talk about with Angel?
(a) Sex and Love.
(b) Marriage and Children.
(c) Men and God.
(d) Politics and Religion.

3. When Michael went to Sacramento, who did he take with him?
(a) The Duchess.
(b) A stranger.
(c) Angel.
(d) Paul.

4. When Michael stops thinking of Angel as the prostitute he loved and who betrayed him, how does her see her?
(a) As a beautiful stranger, someone he could start a new life with.
(b) As the future mother of his children, worthy of his respect and love.
(c) As the nameless child who had been broken and was still lost.
(d) As his new, young bride who needed his attention and affection.

5. What members of the Altman family died on their way to Oregon?
(a) Twin baby daughters.
(b) A sister and family pet.
(c) An aunt and uncle.
(d) A son and grandma.

6. How did Angel feel about the camaraderie between the Altmans?
(a) She was confused by it.
(b) She was amused by it.
(c) She was captivated by it.
(d) She was terrified by it.

7. When Paul sees Angel, he thinks she's beautiful and dangerous. What biblical character does he not compare her to?
(a) Jezebel.
(b) Salome.
(c) Deborah.
(d) Delilah.

8. Where was Paul before he came back to the valley?
(a) On the Yuba, panning for gold.
(b) In the mountains, looking for God.
(c) In Pair-a-Dice working at a bar.
(d) On a fishing expedition in Alaska.

9. Why didn't Mae want Sarah to thank Alex for the presents he'd left?
(a) Mae believed a formal thank you letter was more appropriate.
(b) They were never intended for Sarah; they were for Mae.
(c) They weren't gifts, but a bribe, to keep Sarah out of the way.
(d) Mae knew Alex was embarrassed by any show of feminine emotion.

10. What does Angel compare herself to when talking to Miriam Altman?
(a) A prickly thorn, small but capable of much pain.
(b) A chunk of amethyst turned inside out.
(c) A diamond in the rough.
(d) A wild dog, rabid and unpredictable.

11. When Michael and Angel are married, what does she say instead of "yes"?
(a) Nothing at all.
(b) "Oh, no."
(c) "Halleluiah!"
(d) "Why not?"

12. What did Ruth Altman say that she ate once when she was little?
(a) A rotten apple.
(b) A cricket.
(c) A worm.
(d) A beetle.

13. How did Angel pay Paul for the ride to Pair-a-Dice?
(a) She gave him sex.
(b) She gave him a kiss.
(c) She promised him money from the Duchess.
(d) She made him a home-cooked meal.

14. How did Angel feel when she walked in the cabin after returning from Pair-a-Dice?
(a) "Not this dump again."
(b) "I'm home."
(c) "It hasn't changed a bit."
(d) "I can do better."

15. Remembering her childhood, why did Angel say she loved the rain?
(a) She'd play in the puddles.
(b) She'd use the rainwater to wash her hair.
(c) She'd use ther tongue to catch the raindrops.
(d) She'd have her mom to herself.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Michael get Angel out the Silver Dollar after she ran away from the Valley?

2. Why did Angel want her gold from the Duchess?

3. When Angel returns to Pair-a-Dice, what happens to The Palace?

4. When Angel thinks that everyone she draws close to leaves, what does she say is deadly?

5. What did Miriam Altman say about Paul in Chapter 20?

(see the answer keys)

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