Reading Lolita in Tehran, A Memoir in Books Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 191 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Reading Lolita in Tehran, A Memoir in Books Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 191 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Nafisi return to the two photographs of her students in Chapter 7?
(a) The photographs show how much her students changed after they studied literature.
(b) She wants to show how her students are the same people regardless of how they dress.
(c) The photographs are evidence that literature is more powerful than clothing.
(d) The images show the contrast between the repression of the outside world and the individuality and freedom allowed in the apartment.

2. In Chapter 15, how does the study group define a villain?
(a) One who lacks curiosity about other people, being only interested in his/her vision of other people.
(b) One who molests a child.
(c) One who bows to authority figures.
(d) One who knowingly challenges the religious culture of the ruling party.

3. When the intruders enter Nafisi's house, what happens?
(a) There is a gun battle with Nafisi's neighbor.
(b) They catch Nafisi and the study group reading a book.
(c) The doorbell rings.
(d) They take her children away.

4. Why are Nafisi and her students in the room?
(a) Because they have been confined by the religious patrols.
(b) Because they have nowhere else to go.
(c) To protect themselves from the reality outside.
(d) To demonstrate control over their own lives.

5. What does Nafisi consider to be the first lesson in democracy?
(a) All individuals have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
(b) All individuals have the right to vote for their own leaders.
(c) All individuals have the right to freedom of speech.
(d) All individuals have the right to dress as they please.

6. What object does Nafisi refer to when she first describes the students in her study group?
(a) Her apartment.
(b) A veil.
(c) Tehran.
(d) A photograph.

7. What is the dream Nafisi and her students share?
(a) The dreamer has escaped to America.
(b) The dreamer is not wearing a veil and is running away.
(c) The dreamer is captured by the morality police.
(d) The dreamer is able to purchase and read any book she wants.

8. Why do the intruders want access to Nafisi's house?
(a) She is able to provide them with safety.
(b) They want to see what was happening on her neighbor's property.
(c) They think she is selling and using drugs.
(d) They are searching for contraband.

9. How does Nafisi describe her memories?
(a) As surrounding her every day.
(b) As sweet tastes inside her head.
(c) As invaders that arrive abruptly and unexpectedly.
(d) As the barrier between her and her students.

10. Chapter 12 takes place during which season?
(a) Winter.
(b) Spring.
(c) Fall.
(d) Summer.

11. The desire for what intangible object drives Nafisi's students?
(a) The desire for morality.
(b) The desire for justice.
(c) The desire for beauty.
(d) The desire for truth.

12. What is the first work Nafisi and her students in the study group discuss?
(a) "A Thousand and One Nights."
(b) "Invitation to a Beheading."
(c) "Nabokov."
(d) "Lolita."

13. Why was Nafisi's father arrested?
(a) He lost a great deal of money and could not pay the bills.
(b) He was not a member of the religious community.
(c) He challenged the educational system.
(d) He ignored directions from those in higher levels of government.

14. What happens to the everyday lives of Nafisi and her students as a result of the secret class?
(a) Their everyday lives are untouched by the secret class.
(b) Their everyday lives begin to invade the study group meetings.
(c) Their everyday lives take on the quality of fiction and make-believe.
(d) Their everyday lives become less tolerable.

15. What is the main point of Chapter 12?
(a) Copies of books are not readily available in Tehran.
(b) To provide the reader with a sketch of the class meeting to discuss "Lolita."
(c) The students enjoy reading "Lolita."
(d) To provide the reader with an understanding of how "Lolita" was sold in Tehran.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the professor solve problems of literary criticism?

2. What does Nassrin's mother's teaching symbolize?

3. How does Nafisi's acquaintance describe her students?

4. What does Nafisi share with her male acquaintance in Chapter 16?

5. What are the biggest threats to an idealized vision of an individual or a country?

(see the answer keys)

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