The Reader Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Reader Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Hanna from?
(a) A German community in France.
(b) A German community in Rumania.
(c) A German community in Belgium.
(d) A German community in Poland.

2. What does Michael plan to do while the trials are in another location?
(a) He plans to spend time with his family.
(b) He plans to devote the time to his studies.
(c) He plans to go along with the rest of the court.
(d) He plans to spend time with Sophie.

3. What does Michael notice on Hanna's shoulder?
(a) A birthmark.
(b) A scar.
(c) A burn.
(d) A boil.

4. What does the man in charge of the streetcar company tell Michael?
(a) That Hanna had asked for a promotion.
(b) That Hanna told him she would not be coming back to work.
(c) That Hanna never worked for him.
(d) That Hanna never picked up her last check.

5. What is the first thing the narrator notices when he returns to Frau Schmitz's apartment in Chapter 6?
(a) That no apartment existed.
(b) Frau Schmitz is not home.
(c) The apartment is slated for demolition.
(d) The apartment has new inhabitants.

6. What does the owner of the apartment building tell Michael?
(a) Hanna has moved out.
(b) Hanna is in the hospital.
(c) Hanna has died.
(d) Hanna is in jail.

7. What is the narrator's name, and how old does Hanna think he is?
(a) His name is Michael Berg, and she thinks he is 19.
(b) His name is Michael Bern, and she thinks he is 17.
(c) His name is Michael Bern, and she thinks he is 15.
(d) His name is Michael Berg, and she thinks he is 17.

8. What, at first, does Michael decide to be Hanna's motive?
(a) Fear of exposure as a criminal.
(b) Fear of exposure as a liar.
(c) Fear of exposure as a killer.
(d) Fear of exposure as an illiterate.

9. What happens to the narrator after he takes a bath?
(a) He gets dressed and leaves without a word.
(b) Frau Schmitz throws him out on the street.
(c) Frau Schmitz approaches him and they make love.
(d) Frau Schmitz sees him, naked, and becomes embarrassed.

10. On what street does the narrator live?
(a) Blumenstrasse.
(b) Einbahnstrasse.
(c) Bahnhofstrasse.
(d) Schillerstrasse.

11. What is Hanna's answer to the judge's question, "why did you not unlock the doors?"
(a) "We didn't have any alternative."
(b) "We didn't know it was locked."
(c) "We didn't know how."
(d) "We didn't have a key."

12. Why does Frau Schmitz laugh at the narrator in Chapter 6?
(a) He is covered in black dust from the coal in the cellar.
(b) He ran away.
(c) He is wearing childish clothing.
(d) He doesn't know where the cellar is.

13. What does the survivor finally remember during the trial, and what does Hanna do after the survivor tells the court this?
(a) The survivor remembers Hanna was never present at the selections, and Hanna begins to cry.
(b) The survivor remembers that Hanna had the prisoners read aloud to her, and Hanna turns to look at Michael.
(c) The survivor remembers that Hanna had the prisoners read aloud to her, and Hanna begins to cry.
(d) The survivor remembers that Hanna was never present at the selections, and Hanna turns to look at Michael.

14. What does Michael learn from the citizens' registration office?
(a) That Hanna is in jail.
(b) That Hanna has moved to France.
(c) That Hanna has moved to Hamburg.
(d) That Hanna has died.

15. What floor in the apartment building is the narrator directed to go in the beginning of Chapter 3?
(a) The fourth floor.
(b) The third floor.
(c) The second floor.
(d) The basement.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first article of clothing Frau Schmitz puts on to get ready to leave the apartment in Chapter 4?

2. What do Hanna and Michael do for his Easter vacation?

3. How does the narrator describe being ill in the beginning of Chapter 5?

4. What play did Michael and Hanna see at the theater?

5. What does the narrator do when Frau Schmitz catches him staring at her in Chapter 4?

(see the answer keys)

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