The Rainbow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rainbow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Ursula consumed with a fear of herself when she and Anton are in the cornstacks after the wedding?
(a) She has broken Anton, abating his fire.
(b) She is afraid of what she might do.
(c) She is afraid she will say something foolish.
(d) She is afraid she won't be good enough for Anton.

2. Why is Ursula excited about her father's new position as Art and Handwork Instructor?
(a) They will have more money.
(b) She will get to move to Nottingham.
(c) He finally will be something socially.
(d) He will be happier.

3. What is Ursula's view of religious scripture?
(a) It is to be strictly followed.
(b) It is not to be taken literally.
(c) It is just a collection of stories.
(d) It is to be taken literally.

4. How does Lydia see herself when she is married to Paul Lensky?
(a) As her own being
(b) As a slave to him
(c) As an empowered woman
(d) As a free spirit

5. What is Skrebensky's view on the role of an individual?
(a) Each man lives for himself
(b) Each man lives for his own family
(c) Each man lives for personal wealth
(d) Each man lives for the good of humanity, not himself.

6. What is the response of Ursula's mother when Ursula says that she wants to have an equal place with men in the field of action and work?
(a) Her mother tells her to take action at mending a pile of stockings.
(b) Her mother tells her she deserves equal opportunity.
(c) Her mother tells her that some day she will be equal to men.
(d) Her mother says that it will never happen.

7. What is Ursula's response when Anton asks her if she likes him on the night of Fred's wedding?
(a) She tells him to leave her alone.
(b) She says that of course she likes him.
(c) She says that she has missed him.
(d) She tells him that she loves him.

8. What is Ursula's view on school and forcing children to learn?
(a) She thinks it is a wonderful opportunity for children
(b) She feels it is necessary.
(c) She feels it is unnatural and stupid.
(d) She thinks it is useful in the world.

9. What does Ursula hate about her mother?
(a) Her mother's satisfaction with child-bearing and domesticity
(b) Her mother's belief in the rights of women
(c) Her mother's need for independence
(d) Her mother making a living outside the home

10. What is the decision Anton and Ursula make the morning after they make love in the sand under the moon?
(a) They will elope.
(b) They will get married and live in India.
(c) They are done with each other.
(d) They will get married and live in Paris.

11. What is the great peace that Ursula finds when she visits her grandmother in her bedroom on Marsh farm?
(a) To know she will get anything she wants from her grandmother
(b) To know that her grandmother loves her
(c) To know her own importance within all those who lived before her
(d) To know she can have all the sweets she wants

12. What is Ursula's impression of the colliers when she and Winifred go to her Uncle Tom's house in Wiggiston?
(a) They are dirty and poorly dressed.
(b) They are friendly and happy.
(c) They seem like creatures without hope.
(d) They are crude and angry.

13. What does Lydia Brangwen wish for as she sees the turmoil in her son's lives?
(a) She wishes for the peace and innocence of age.
(b) She wishes they would move away.
(c) She wishes she could be more involved in her son's lives.
(d) She wishes they would come to her with their troubles.

14. Who is Lydia's comforting friend after Tom's death?
(a) Gudrun
(b) Ursula
(c) Anna
(d) Tilly

15. Where does Ursula find a teaching position after her parents forbid her to go to Kingston-on-Thames for an interview?
(a) The Ikleston Elementary School
(b) The Cossethay Grammar School
(c) The Nottingham Grammar School
(d) The Brinsley Street School

Short Answer Questions

1. What brings Anton Skrebensky back to the Marsh farm after he returns to the army?

2. Strebensky returns from Africa and starts up his relationship with Ursula again. What are Ursula's inner feelings after she and Anton consummate their love?

3. What is Anton really feeling as he says goodbye to Ursula when he goes off to war?

4. What does Anton believe Ursula wants to do to him, even though they are lovers?

5. How does Ursula feel as she waits for Anton to come home?

(see the answer keys)

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