The Rainbow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rainbow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What continues to torment Tom even though he is proud and fulfilled in his marriage?
(a) He worried that his sons will fight over the farm.
(b) He yearns for Anna's love because she is his hope.
(c) He worries about the farm and finances.
(d) He is afraid his sons will not want the farm.

2. What gift does Tom give Will and Anna for their wedding?
(a) He gives them a share in the farm.
(b) He gives them a cottage in Cossethay.
(c) He gives them a horse and carriage.
(d) He gives them his favorite stallion.

3. What gives Anna complete happiness and fulfillment?
(a) Being a mother
(b) Going to church
(c) Being a wife
(d) Visiting her parents

4. Who dominates the whole wedding party?
(a) Tom, Alfred, and Frank Brangwen
(b) Lydia Brangwen
(c) Alfred Brangwen's wife
(d) Anna and William

5. Who is the person Anna meets that she considers a real person of consequence?
(a) Tom
(b) Frank
(c) Tilly
(d) Baron Skrebensky

6. What does William do to help him stop worrying about life and relaxing?
(a) He carves wood.
(b) He rides his horse through the country side.
(c) He goes for long walks.
(d) He visits his local church which he loves.

7. What does William witness that torments him for the rest of his life?
(a) A child drowning in the pond
(b) A violent knifing in Cossethay
(c) An old woman, dead and alone for two weeks
(d) The pregnant Anna, dancing naked in the bedroom

8. Why does Tom love to visit Anna and William?
(a) Because he likes to get away from home
(b) Because it keeps him from work
(c) Because he misses Anna
(d) Because they are glowing and full of life

9. What do Lydia and Tom discover about each other after two years of marriage?
(a) They find fulfillment in each other.
(b) They realize they do not belong together.
(c) They discover they do not love one another.
(d) They find they will never know one another.

10. Who does Tom believe he is destined to marry?
(a) The vicar's daughter
(b) The Polish widow, Mrs. Lensky
(c) Tilly's sister
(d) Anna

11. When do Effie and Tom begin fiercely quarreling with each other?
(a) After their father breaks his neck
(b) When Tom gets back from school
(c) When Effie becomes engaged
(d) After the death of their mother

12. What is Tom's attitude toward his own life while his wife is miserable?
(a) He keeps the pain at the bottom of his heart and enjoys his life.
(b) He is moody and miserable too.
(c) He is always happy.
(d) He doesn't care that his wife is in misery.

13. What does Alfred tell Tom every person must do?
(a) No one can be happy alone.
(b) Be happy to have a wife to go through life with
(c) Everyone needs other people
(d) Go on with life by yourself

14. What does Tom crave more than ever from his wife?
(a) Her stories about Poland
(b) Obedience
(c) Quiet conversations
(d) Love and passion

15. What angers Anna about Will's attitude at church?
(a) He does not care about mankind.
(b) He delves into the meaning of the service, ignoring her.
(c) He is overly passionate about the sermon.
(d) He is too devout.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does William ask the girl sitting next to him in the Empire ?

2. What is Anna unable to tell William for four days, while they battle with each other?

3. What are William's actions with the girl he takes to the park?

4. What is Tom contemplating as he stands at the altar with Anna on her wedding day?

5. What do Tom, Alfred, Frank, the brother-in-law, William's brother, and six other men decide to do after Anna and Will leave for their cottage?

(see the answer keys)

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