The Queen of the Damned Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Queen of the Damned Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Marius so anxious to see Armando?
(a) Armando borrowed a fortune from Marius in another century, and never repaid it.
(b) Armando has taken another lover and Marius wants to berate him.
(c) Marius loves him and makes Armando a vampire to preserve him forever.
(d) Marius believes Armando has the power to bring back Marius' youth.

2. Where do Akasha and Lestat go first so she could begin her killing spree?
(a) A World Cup soccer match in London.
(b) A temple in the Himalayas.
(c) Mao's home, overlooking the Great Wall in China.
(d) The castle of Zeus near Athens.

3. The idea that Mekare is alive and sending the dreams causes what emotions among the older vampires?
(a) Apprehension that she will join ranks with their enemies.
(b) Annoyance that their sleep has been so badly disturbed the past 10 nights.
(c) Joy that she is alive and apparently coming to see them.
(d) A certain dread about her purpose in sending the dreams.

4. How does Enkil come to rule his kingdom?
(a) He is chosen by lottery, as is the custom of his people.
(b) His mother dies and there are no female realtives to ascend to the throne.
(c) Like Oedipus, he slays his father and marries his mother.
(d) The people of the Nile Valley anoint him king while he is still a child.

5. What does Marius notices that every surviving vampire has in common?
(a) They all smell the same.
(b) Every one of them is unattractive, with lanky hair and blank eyes.
(c) Though "monsters," each is beautiful in his or her own way.
(d) Each is more than six feet tall.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the twins usually did the talking in the early days?

2. How can the King and Queen reduce their extreme thirst for blood?

3. What is Marius' condition when Pandora rescues him from the ice?

4. What is the disagreement between Lestat and Akasha?

5. What effect does Maharet's red hair have on Marius' mood?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who was keeping Akasha still on the throne and what does she do to that person?

2. What, to Maharet, is more important than her life, even more important than finding her twin?

3. Khayman is the longtime servant of the King and Queen. He also has a soft spot for the twins. To whom is he the most loyal during the early period of the vampires?

4. Marius suggests that Akasha postpone her plans until she can see that humans are evolving toward peace on their own. What is Akasha's response?

5. Akasha wants 99 percent of male humans killed, reasoning that a world ruled by women will be more peaceful than the world under the rule of men. What is the irony of that plan?

6. When the twins fail to restore them, the King and Queen first vow to kill them but settle for plucking out Maharet's eyes and cutting out Mekare's tongue. What happens to the eyes and the tongue, and then what happens to the twins?

7. Lestat is very reluctant to cooperate with Akasha's plan and tries to talk her out of it. What is it about him that attracts her, even though she can't control him?

8. How does Lestat feel about the events that led to him becoming a vampire?

9. Akasha commands Lestat to kill in her name, starting with male acolytes at Azim's temple. What is his reaction to the order?

10. What weapon with sentimental meaning does Akasha show Lestat in his father's castle?

(see the answer keys)

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