The Queen of the Damned Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Queen of the Damned Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Armand and Daniel meet?
(a) Through an internet dating site called vHarmony.
(b) Lestat introduces them.
(c) Armand was the college roommate of one of Daniel's friends.
(d) Armand finds Daniel snooping around New Orleans, looking for vampires.

2. What is the clue that the archeologist scrawls on a piece of paper as he dies?
(a) "Rubies are buried beneath the cave paintings."
(b) "In the jungles--walking."
(c) "Beware the blood of a red-haired woman."
(d) "Twins ate their mother's heart."

3. What does Talamasca ask Jesse to investigate?
(a) The book Interview with a Vampire.
(b) The original Dracula movie with Bela Legosi.
(c) The red-haired twins.
(d) The existence of the Munchkins, as seen in The Wizard of Oz.

4. Whose idea is it to have the twins raped, and why?
(a) Akasha's, because she is afraid they were gathering an army.
(b) Akasha's, because she is jealous of their long, glorious curls.
(c) Akasha's, so that she could make a stew of their innards.
(d) Akasha's, so her subjects would see the twins were mere mortals.

5. What is an acolyte?
(a) An acolyte is a small candle burned in dark passages.
(b) An acolyte is a form of blood serum vampires can drink when there are no fresh humans available.
(c) An acolyte is a follower of a leader or belief system.
(d) An acolyte is a spirit that feeds off vampires.

6. What does the Queen do just before getting to the concert hall?
(a) She feeds on a dozen homeless children to gain strength for what lay ahead.
(b) She destroys the San Francisco coven, then chases down and immolates any survivors.
(c) She has her nails and fangs "done" at a fancy spa.
(d) She warns city administrators telepathically that there is going to be a blood bath.

7. What is the subject of the cave drawings?
(a) Red-headed twin girls, who appear to be mourning the death of another woman.
(b) A hunt in the jungles of Brazil for mysterious vampire twins.
(c) The arrest of twin redheads, the daughters of a prominent politician.
(d) Palestinian twins, thought to be the matriarchs of the Lost Tribes of Israel.

8. Who is the original vampire?
(a) Maharet
(b) Miriam
(c) Akasha
(d) Baby Jenks

9. What realization does Khayman come to even before the concert begins?
(a) That he is way too old to attend a modern concert, with all the noise and light.
(b) Jesse is Maharet's mortal child, is a member of Talamasca, and is in danger.
(c) Mortal fans can sense the presence of the blood-drinkers at the concert.
(d) Talamasca is the financial promoter of the concert and is actually filming a documentary on vampires.

10. Who causes the coven house to explode when Khayman visits?
(a) Enkil.
(b) Lestat.
(c) Khayman.
(d) Akasha.

11. What are the Himalayas?
(a) A singing group that chants traditional Hindu prayers.
(b) A set of symptoms suffered by vampires who don't drink enough blood.
(c) A major mountain range in Asia, containing Mt. Everest.
(d) A series of lakes in Great Britian, including Lockerbie.

12. How is the archeologist's discovery of the caves and the Legend of the Twins received in the academic world.
(a) Wonderfully, he received the Nobel Prize.
(b) Wonderfully, he became the subject of a series of movies starring Harrison Ford.
(c) Badly, he was exposed as a fraud and sent to prison.
(d) Badly, he became a laughingstock.

13. Which of these skills are typical of vampires?
(a) The ability to send out mental signals that disrupt computers.
(b) The abilty to laugh in a scary way and to crack mirrors with thought waves.
(c) The abilty to read minds and to fly.
(d) The ability to fly and to fade into small spaces.

14. What does the red-haired woman in Khayman's dream eat?
(a) Her tongue.
(b) His eyes.
(c) A bat.
(d) Steak, rare.

15. What does Baby Jenks see, looking down as she dies?
(a) Satan, with a sword of fire.
(b) A glistening spider, spinning a silver thread.
(c) St. Peter, casting a deadly net around the world.
(d) A white figure resembling a statue of the Virgin Mary.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the Great Family?

2. What does Armand do after meeting Daniel?

3. Who summarizes the two previous books in the prologue?

4. What is the Fang Gang's planned destination, once Baby Jenks rejoins them in Dallas?

5. In what period of time does the "Queen of the Damned" take place?

(see the answer keys)

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