The Queen of the Damned Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Queen of the Damned Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Armand's real motivation for making Daniel a vampire?
(a) Lestat tells Armand that if Armand won't do it, Lestat will.
(b) The massacres of vampires around the world.
(c) There is nothing else to eat in the house.
(d) Armand's own fear of being alone and lonely throughout eternity.

2. What does Baby Jenks see, looking down as she dies?
(a) A white figure resembling a statue of the Virgin Mary.
(b) A glistening spider, spinning a silver thread.
(c) Satan, with a sword of fire.
(d) St. Peter, casting a deadly net around the world.

3. What kind of publication or broadcast is used to summarize information from the first two books for the reader?
(a) A guest appearance on Letterman.
(b) An article in the weekly magazine that only vampires can receive.
(c) A posting on Pandora's Facebook Wall.
(d) A declaration against Lestat and his allies, posted at vampire gathering spots.

4. Does Jesse recognize right away that Maharet and Mael are vampires?
(a) No, but she notes their odd habits and appearance.
(b) Yes, because Maharet told her once in a letter.
(c) No, she doesn't have a clue and believes them to be old hippies.
(d) Yes, she can tell right away by their skin color.

5. Why is it important that Akasha and Enkil not be destroyed?
(a) Their deaths would create smog lethal to anyone who breathed it.
(b) They are the George and Martha Washington of vampires.
(c) If both of them are destroyed, all other vampires will also cease to exist.
(d) They are a constant source of valuable blood.

6. What does Lestat hope will happen at the concert?
(a) That mortals will recognize him as evil and want to destroy him.
(b) That his mother will meet a suitable vampire of her own age and get her own apartment.
(c) That his album will go platinum and he will buy Neverland Ranch.
(d) That other vampires will follow his lead and reveal themselves to humans.

7. What do Armand and Daniel do after becoming a couple?
(a) Move to New York and go broke when the stock market crashes.
(b) Take a world cruise, on which Armand drinks the blood of rich women and Daniel takes their money.
(c) Get rich and buy a private island offshore from Miami.
(d) Settle in Paris and open an exclusive cooking school.

8. What is Mael's theory regarding the Queen's motives in killing most vampires but allowing some to live?
(a) He speculates that the survivors have been immunized against fire, and the Queen is unable to kill them.
(b) He believes she spares only those loved by Lestat.
(c) He thinks she plans to restock the vampire community with those of the purest blood.
(d) He believes those spared are being saved to be sacrificed later in a beach ritual south of San Francisco.

9. What does the archeologist tell his patron when she arrives in Rio?
(a) Nothing, he realizes she was a vampire with evil intent.
(b) That she would live forever, if she could find the twins' ruby.
(c) That the twins are still alive, imprisoned in the jungle.
(d) Nothing, he has already died.

10. What is Azim's plan for dealing with the danger he feels?
(a) He plans to ignore and continue his lifestyle.
(b) He plans to cast a telepathic dome of silence over his temple, so that it cannot be found.
(c) He plans to gather an army of old vampires and ferret out the problem.
(d) He plans to move to New Delhi and pass as a street beggar.

11. What happens when Khayman tries to makes friends with a trio of other vampires?
(a) They tell him to go away.
(b) They decide to travel together to San Francisco.
(c) He accidentally causes one to explode into flames.
(d) He mind-melds with one of the females and they become a couple.

12. What does Akasha do when she awakens?
(a) Hacks into the city's computer system as a demonstration of power.
(b) Stretches, to get the kinks out after 6,000 years of not moving a muscle.
(c) Vows to establish unity between Lestat and his critics.
(d) Kills her husband, by turning him to glass.

13. What effect does drinking the blood of Marius have on Pandora?
(a) It gives her a momentary surge of power.
(b) It puts a glow in her cheeks.
(c) It makes her able to hear Marius' warning directly.
(d) It makes her sick to her stomach.

14. What does Akasha say to Marius just before she pushes him?
(a) "You shouldn't have kept us in this icy vault."
(b) "You must forgive me. I'm going now."
(c) "You've been a bad servant and I hate you."
(d) "You never changed the channel when I asked."

15. What happens to vampires as they age?
(a) They become transparent.
(b) They turn into white marble.
(c) They wrinkle terribly around the eyes.
(d) They lose their taste for human blood.

Short Answer Questions

1. What seems to have happened to the twins, according to the cave paintings?

2. What is the subject of the cave drawings?

3. What can always kill a vampire?

4. How is the archeologist's discovery of the caves and the Legend of the Twins received in the academic world.

5. What does Marius call Lestat?

(see the answer keys)

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