Q Clearance Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Peter Benchley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Q Clearance Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Peter Benchley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When he meets him at the Mess, what does Cobb have to tell Burnham about?
(a) The President requested him to write a toast speech for a dinner.
(b) That a mandatory staff meeting was happening that morning.
(c) That the White House had, in fact, bugged his wife's car.
(d) That he was installing a POTUS phone in Burnham's office that day.

2. How does Burnham describe the task he is working on as the story begins?
(a) It is a struggle between Church and State.
(b) It is an easy task that he hopes to finish quickly.
(c) It is a waste of his time and talent.
(d) It is going to be a masterpiece when he is finished.

3. Why does Mr. Joslin think that Jerome failed typing?
(a) He believes Jerome lacks discipline.
(b) He believes typing is an extremely difficult class.
(c) He knows there are not enough typewriters available to students.
(d) He thinks boys just can't type.

4. What does Ivy think that Mr. Pym wants?
(a) He wants classified information from a person with "Q" status.
(b) He wants "dirt "on people in order to help his business grow.
(c) He wants memorabilia from the White House.
(d) He wants to help her and Jerome.

5. Where does Ivy Peniston get the idea that Jerome could cheat on his typing test?
(a) Jerome had mentioned it to her.
(b) She read about it in the newspaper.
(c) The typing teacher was a close freind of hers.
(d) From a boy on the steps of the school.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Renfro bring to Burnham's office?

2. What is removed from the basement of the West wing in order to make space for Warner Cobb's office?

3. What makes Burnham decide to take the bus to work instead of a cab?

4. What does Burnham want to do with the flame thrower?

5. Why does Pym blush when Eva asks why he is interested in the prescription?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the President in the process of doing to Burnham before he suddenly has a change of heart?

2. What sort of gift does Ivy plan to bring Mr. Pym?

3. Why has Epstein turned down the job he was originally offered by the President who was then still a Senator?

4. What is Sarah's opinion of Burnham's job?

5. What does Renfro not have a sense of humor about?

6. What is Pym's intention in giving Ivy the Percodan?

7. How much does Eva know about her father's espionage career?

8. How does Burnham handle the situation after he finds out the truth about the pasha?

9. What decision does Pym make at he end of Chapter 6?

10. Describe Timothy Burnham's job.

(see the answer keys)

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