Q Clearance Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Benchley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Q Clearance Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Benchley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What name is Ivy using in reference to Dyanna?
(a) Debbie Reynolds.
(b) Pochahantis.
(c) Miss Priss.
(d) Sour Puss.

2. What are Hal, Eva and Burnham waiting for while they are eating Chinese food?
(a) The Presidential news conference.
(b) The FBI to find them.
(c) The Soviet Embassy to grant them asylum.
(d) Pym to contact them.

3. How does Pym get in to the crowded bar?
(a) He bribed the bouncer.
(b) He went in the back door.
(c) He pretended to be a police officer.
(d) He waited until the crowd thinned out.

4. Where does Eva go when she left Pym's?
(a) To the Y.
(b) To her and Burnham's apartment.
(c) To the offices of ABC.
(d) To the West Wing to find Burnham.

5. Who does Teal name that Pym actually had information on?
(a) Benjamin T. Wislow.
(b) Burnham.
(c) Cobb.
(d) The pasha of Banda.

6. What Japanese film does Burnham refer to when speaking with Toddy?
(a) Shogun.
(b) Hiroshima.
(c) Godzilla.
(d) Rashomon.

7. How does Burnham know Toddy Thatcher?
(a) He is Sarah's cousin.
(b) He plays squash with him.
(c) He doesn't say.
(d) He went to college with him.

8. When asked by a member of the press about the spy scandal, what does the President say?
(a) That he knew all along that Burnham was a spy.
(b) That he was shocked at Burnham's betrayal.
(c) That the Soviet Union was way out of line.
(d) That Burnham will be caught and brought to justice.

9. When he leaves Burnham and Sarah in the Basement of the "Y", where does Hal go?
(a) To find Ivy.
(b) To see Epstein.
(c) To find Pym.
(d) To talk to the FBI.

10. What does Eva notice about Burnham?
(a) He was handsome.
(b) He had food allergies.
(c) He had no smell.
(d) He had a good job.

11. Why does Dyanna not like Eva?
(a) Eva was a better cook.
(b) The office seemed crowded when Eva was around.
(c) She saw Eva as a destabilizing influence on Burnham.
(d) She was jealous of Eva.

12. Why does Ivy think her leg had stopped hurting?
(a) The pills worked well.
(b) She wasn't working anymore now that Jerome was home.
(c) The leg was reacting to tranquility.
(d) She had purchased some better shoes.

13. Who was Josef Mengele?
(a) The pasha of Banda's right hand man.
(b) Pyms direct contact after Teal.
(c) President of the Honduras
(d) The Angel of Death from Auschwitz.

14. How does Burnham compare being with Eva to being with Sarah?
(a) It was relaxing.
(b) Eva was more beautiful.
(c) Eva was more athletic.
(d) Sarah had more patience.

15. What does Pym start doing before he finished the first paper?
(a) Call Teal.
(b) Making a cup of tea.
(c) Perspire.
(d) Smiling at Eva.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Pym wishing when he turns away from Eva?

2. What is the last item on the table from the envelope Teal had sent to Pym?

3. What does Burnham compare kissing Dyanna to?

4. Who does Burnham want to call after he found his new office?

5. What does Dyanna learn from Connie and Dolores?

(see the answer keys)

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