The Pushcart War Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Merrill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pushcart War Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Merrill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does it take for the truck tires to be repaired so that the trucks return to the streets?
(a) An hour.
(b) A day.
(c) A month.
(d) A week.

2. Where is the recording of the interview between the Police Commissioner and Maxie Hammerman?
(a) Filed with the newspapers.
(b) The New York City Police Department.
(c) Destroyed.
(d) Maxie's office.

3. What prompts the many letters to the editor about the pushcarts?
(a) The photo of Mack hitting Morris the Florist.
(b) The photo of Mack hitting Harry the Hot Dog.
(c) The story of Mack hitting General Anna.
(d) The story of Mack hitting Frank the Flower.

4. What does the Police Commissioner say will happen to anyone who breaks the truce?
(a) They'll have their license taken away.
(b) They'll be banned from the city.
(c) They'll be arrested.
(d) They'll have their pushcart smashed.

5. What are Eddie and Maxie drinking after the card game?
(a) Cream soda.
(b) Beer.
(c) Wine.
(d) Root beer.

6. Where does Mr. Jerusalem spend the night?
(a) Genearl Anna's.
(b) Maxie's shop.
(c) At his apartment.
(d) In the park as usual.

7. What is used as darts for Frank's dartboard?
(a) Darts.
(b) Pea tacks.
(c) Darning needles.
(d) Push pins.

8. Why does Maxie Hammerman say the pushcart war was fought?
(a) To provide jobs for the pushcart vendors.
(b) So the trucks would have to stop blocking traffic.
(c) So there would always be some pushcarts in the city.
(d) To make people see the truth about trucks.

9. What does the second grade class of Public School 42 say they'll miss if the pushcarts aren't allowed to operate?
(a) Cardboard boxes for their school supplies.
(b) Peanuts for the squirrels on their playground.
(c) Apples for their teacher.
(d) Ice cream for themselves.

10. What does the restaurant owner say he wants added to the charges against Mack?
(a) Trespassing.
(b) Breaking and Entering.
(c) Endangerng lives of customers.
(d) Theft of Property.

11. Which of the divisions runs into trouble during the peace march?
(a) The one led by Harry Hot Dog.
(b) The one led By Papa Peretz.
(c) The one led by General Anna.
(d) The one led by Mr. Jerusalem.

12. What does Buddy Wisser propose as a compromise to the number of trucks allowed in the city?
(a) The Flower Formula.
(b) The Truck Formula.
(c) The Big Truck/Little Truck Theory.
(d) The Truck/Pushcart Formula.

13. What does General Anna say is the first thing the pushcart vendors must not do?
(a) Send Maxie an apple.
(b) Surrender.
(c) Pay Maxie's bail.
(d) Make more pea shooters.

14. What is the name of the girl who says she now wants to be a Pushcart Queen?
(a) Melissa Cudd.
(b) Alice Myles.
(c) Alicia Hammerman.
(d) Mary Margaret.

15. Who claims ownership of the pea shooters after the Pea Tack Squad finds them?
(a) Wenda Gambling.
(b) Maxie Hammerman.
(c) Frank the Flower.
(d) Mr. Posey.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Police Commissioner advise the Mayor to do?

2. How many people does the Mayor say signed the manifesto?

3. What does Maxie say is the purpose of the map of New York City that was found in his shop?

4. What does General Anna say should be a condition of the peace?

5. What time do the pushcart vendors assemble for the march?

(see the answer keys)

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