The Pushcart War Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Merrill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pushcart War Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Merrill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of truck is Mack driving?
(a) A Baby Mammoth.
(b) A Mighty Mammoth.
(c) A Mama Mammoth.
(d) A Pushcart Mammoth.

2. Where does Buddy Wisser come up with his proposal?
(a) From Big Moe.
(b) From Wenda Gambling.
(c) From General Anna.
(d) From Frank the Flower.

3. How many pushcarts are destroyed?
(a) None.
(b) About eighty.
(c) Forty-seven.
(d) About eight.

4. What do people throw at the trucks on Beecker Street?
(a) Cabbage and lettuce.
(b) Canteloupes and apples.
(c) Tomatoes and melons.
(d) All kinds of fruits and vegetables.

5. Why is Mack arrested?
(a) Reckless driving.
(b) Drunken driving.
(c) Endangering pedestrians.
(d) Attempted murder.

6. Which of the divisions runs into trouble during the peace march?
(a) The one led by General Anna.
(b) The one led by Harry Hot Dog.
(c) The one led by Mr. Jerusalem.
(d) The one led By Papa Peretz.

7. Where is Wenda Gambling when the raid occurs?
(a) At Posey's.
(b) In Africa.
(c) At home.
(d) At Maxie's.

8. How long does the author say has passed since the pushcart war?
(a) A hundred years.
(b) Ten years.
(c) Ten months.
(d) Three years.

9. What is Maxie hauling on the day of the peace march?
(a) Punch bowls.
(b) Crystal glasses.
(c) Apples and pears.
(d) Punching bags.

10. Who does Maxie invite to his meeting with The Three?
(a) Harry Hot Dog, Morris the Florist and the Police Commissioner.
(b) All the pushcart vendors and the Police Commissioners.
(c) Eddie Maroney and the Police Commissioner.
(d) Eddie Maroney, General Anna and the Police Commissioner.

11. What does Maxie say is the purpose of the map of New York City that was found in his shop?
(a) He says it's a map he uses to track flats.
(b) He says it's a map he uses to track the number of pushcart accidents.
(c) He says it's a map he uses to track pushcart business.
(d) He says it's a map he uses to track hot dog vendors.

12. What is the fifth clause of the peace treaty?
(a) That Frank the Flower be released from jail.
(b) That the Police Commissioner step down.
(c) That Mayor Cudd step down.
(d) That Albert Mack be sent to jail.

13. Where does Mr. Jerusalem spend the night?
(a) Genearl Anna's.
(b) Maxie's shop.
(c) At his apartment.
(d) In the park as usual.

14. Who built General Anna's pushcart?
(a) Harry the Hot Dog.
(b) Eddie Maroney.
(c) Maxie's father.
(d) Maxie.

15. How much does Maxie win during the game?
(a) $60,000.
(b) $183.25.
(c) $13,600.
(d) $14.50.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the date when Big Moe calls the Mayor with the news that he'll settle with the pushcarts?

2. What is Mr. Jerusalem's plan called?

3. What is the name of the lady who takes notes that become known as the Portlette Papers?

4. What does Maxie say is the purpose of the red pins in the map?

5. What does Maxie Hammerman buy for General Anna on the day of the Peace March?

(see the answer keys)

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