Prisoner's Dilemma Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

William Poundstone
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Prisoner's Dilemma Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

William Poundstone
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the 1950s and 1960s many viewed international conflict, and specifically ____ as a kind of prisoner's dilemma.
(a) Political conflicts.
(b) Human rights conflicts.
(c) Militia led conflicts.
(d) Nuclear conflict.

2. John von Neumann worked with what company to help design a faster, more compact computer?
(a) Rand.
(b) Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corp.
(c) Nixdorf Computer Corp.
(d) International Business Machines.

3. The RAND Corporation became know for "___" the unthinkable as they considered problems arising in varied situations?
(a) Saying.
(b) Recommending.
(c) Doing.
(d) Thinking.

4. Which one of von Neumann's friends and colleague used game theory to help the Allies improve bombing efficacy in Europe?
(a) Bertrand Russell.
(b) Merrill Flood.
(c) John Nash.
(d) Kurt Godel.

5. In the game model prisoner's dilemma who developed the equilibrium solution that undermined rationality in general?
(a) Nash.
(b) Flood.
(c) Godel.
(d) von Neumann.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 1 the author gives examples of hypothetical situations that deal with some kind of ___ problem, such as the two people in different rooms who have to decide whether to push a button.

2. How many prisoner's dilemmas were played in the game's experiment, according to details in Chapter 6?

3. What is the name of von Neumann's daughter from his first wife?

4. What was the first name of von Neumann's second wife?

5. Who was von Neumann's partner in the original development of game theory?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do Poker and Baseball involve mixed strategies?

2. How did von Neumann end up at Princeton after earning his PhD in mathematics?

3. What was the Manhattan Project?

4. Who is Bertrand Russell?

5. What is prisoner's dilemma?

6. How does von Neumann's game theory relate to economics?

7. What were the results of Flood's experimental prisoner's dilemmas?

8. When was the Cold War and who was involved?

9. What is Kriegspiel?

10. Besides all his work on the Manhattan Project, von Neumann also found time to help IBM. How did he help this company?

(see the answer keys)

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