Princess Sultana's Daughters Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Jean Sasson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Princess Sultana's Daughters Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Jean Sasson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 10.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What shameful secret about her cousin, Majed, did Amani learn and share with Sultana?
(a) Majed poured scalding water down the throat of his infant daughter to kill her.
(b) Majed was a homosexual.
(c) Majed married two teenage virgins, used them for sex and divorced them one month later.
(d) Majed raped a woman who was in a coma in the hospital.

2. What happened after Kareem and Sultana confronted Amani and told her she needed to have passion for humans and not animals?
(a) She calmed down and became less fanatic.
(b) She became angry and more fanatic than ever.
(c) She became depressed and released all the animals from their cages.
(d) She threatened to kill herself.

3. Despite the fallout from her first book, why did Sultana know in her heart that the book needed to be written?
(a) The children of Saudi Arabia needed a voice, and Sultana was that voice.
(b) It brought world-wide attention to the corruption of the government.
(c) The book exposed the plight of the nation's poor, who suffer while so many are rich.
(d) Because Saudi men needed to be called out for their injustices toward women.

4. During the trip to London, what is revealed about Maha's relationship with her grandmother, Noorah?
(a) Noorah was the only member of the family Maha trusted completely.
(b) Noorah had plotted with Maha to kill Sultana.
(c) Noorah planned to kidnap Maha to help her escape Saudi Arabia.
(d) Noorah taught Maha about the occult.

5. What change in Amani occurred during the family's holy pilgrimage?
(a) She decided to reject religion completely.
(b) She became depressed and withdrawn.
(c) She decided that she was confused about her path in life and what God wanted from her.
(d) She became devoutly religious.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the story about that Maha wrote in London?

2. What unique attitude toward women's rights did Sultana's daughter Amani have?

3. Arriving at the location of the holy pilgrimage, what was the name of the tent city the family encountered?

4. What personal decision did Maha make after spying on a Saudi man through a peephole?

5. How did Kareem feel about what Abdullah did with the additional item/s he took from the family safe?

(see the answer key)

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