Prince Caspian Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Prince Caspian Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Lucy wakes up Peter in Chapter 10, how does he respond?
(a) He jumps up, as if startled from a dream.
(b) He mumbles something and returns quickly to sleep.
(c) He berates her for waking him.
(d) She isn't able to wake him.

2. What weapon does Trumpkin take with him in search of the messengers in Chapter 8?
(a) A bow and a quiver of arrows.
(b) He does not take any weapons.
(c) A long sword.
(d) A dagger.

3. What is the name of the morning star of Narnia?
(a) Aslan.
(b) Oarosis.
(c) Aravir.
(d) Telmua.

4. Who offers to go with Lucy and follow Aslan if the party splits up?
(a) Trumpkin.
(b) Susan.
(c) Peter.
(d) Edmund.

5. When Trumpkin, Edmund and Peter reach the main cavern at Aslan's How in Chapter 12, what do they hear?
(a) The sounds of grief and crying.
(b) They don't hear a single sound from within the chamber.
(c) Someone singing.
(d) A heated argument.

6. When everything goes dark in the tussle of Chapter 12, who does Edmund think he has captured?
(a) A spy.
(b) Trumpkin.
(c) Nikabrik.
(d) The Hag.

7. Who gives Trumpkin the nickname D.L.F.?
(a) Edmund.
(b) Lucy.
(c) Peter.
(d) Susan.

8. What does Aslan tell Lucy he wants her to do in their night time conversation in Chapter 10?
(a) Wake the others and explain that she is leaving with Aslan.
(b) Return to sleep and get well rested for the next day's journey, but wake up early to begin the journey the following day.
(c) Wake the others and bring them to follow him.
(d) Bring the others to meet him one at a time.

9. Who is the first person (other than Lucy) to see Aslan's shadow in Chapter 11?
(a) Susan.
(b) Trumpkin.
(c) Peter.
(d) Edmund.

10. In Chapter 12, which of Caspian's original party is still hopeful help from the horn will come?
(a) Nikabrik.
(b) Doctor Cornelius.
(c) Caspian.
(d) Trufflehunter.

11. Why don't the children and Trumpkin build a fire when they reach the shore at Glasswater creek?
(a) They don't want the enemies to spot their fire.
(b) They cannot find any wood to make a fire.
(c) They are too tired from rowing to build a fire.
(d) They do not have any matches or flint to start a fire.

12. What wakes up Lucy from a deep sleep in Chapter 10?
(a) Peter stirs in his sleep and wakes her.
(b) A voice calling her name.
(c) A cold wind that chills her.
(d) A nightmare.

13. When Lucy wakes in Chapter 10, what does she first see that intrigues her to leave her party?
(a) She see a shooting star and moves to get a better view.
(b) She sees trees moving and dancing.
(c) She sees a red robin that seems to beckon her to follow.
(d) She sees Aslan.

14. Why do Trumpkin and the Pevensies turn around and go back the way they came when they get close to crossing the river?
(a) They are attacked with arrows.
(b) They are warned to turn around by Aslan.
(c) They see a group of soliders and decide to avoid them.
(d) They realize that the river is too swift to swim.

15. What does the appearance of Aslan indicate to the person who sees it in Chapter 9?
(a) His appearance is a warning of enemies approaching.
(b) A place the party should avoid.
(c) The direction the party should go.
(d) Aslan's appearance does not indicate anything.

Short Answer Questions

1. On their journey in Chapter 9, what is the first landmark causes Peter to worry that he is lost?

2. What is the name of their great ship that Lucy and Susan reminisce about in Chapter 8?

3. In Chapter 7, where do the Narnians decide to go with Miraz following after them?

4. Why is Trumpkin uncomfortable from riding in the boat with the Pevensies on their journey to Caspian?

5. When Lucy wakes up Edmund in Chapter 10, how does he respond?

(see the answer keys)

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