Prince Caspian Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Prince Caspian Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the appearance of Aslan indicate to the person who sees it in Chapter 9?
(a) A place the party should avoid.
(b) The direction the party should go.
(c) His appearance is a warning of enemies approaching.
(d) Aslan's appearance does not indicate anything.

2. Why don't the children and Trumpkin build a fire when they reach the shore at Glasswater creek?
(a) They cannot find any wood to make a fire.
(b) They don't want the enemies to spot their fire.
(c) They are too tired from rowing to build a fire.
(d) They do not have any matches or flint to start a fire.

3. Following the fencing match in Chapter 8, who has an archery match against Trumpkin?
(a) Susan.
(b) Peter.
(c) Lucy.
(d) Edmund.

4. Who is dispatched to meet whoever the horn may call at Lantern Waste in Chapter 7?
(a) Patterwig.
(b) Wimbleweather.
(c) Reepicheep.
(d) Trufflehunter.

5. On their journey in Chapter 9, what is the first landmark causes Peter to worry that he is lost?
(a) A large waterfall.
(b) A gorge.
(c) A large bluff.
(d) A large cave.

6. When Lucy first sees Aslan during her midnight ramble in Chapter 10, how does she respond?
(a) She runs to him and kisses and hugs him.
(b) She turns around and runs from him, thinking him a wild lion.
(c) She is initially afraid but waits and watches him.
(d) She starts singing to him.

7. In Chapter 10 what do the Pevensies see at what had once been the fords of Beruna?
(a) A steep ravine.
(b) A large waterfall.
(c) A town.
(d) An army encampment.

8. In Chapter 7, where do the Narnians decide to go with Miraz following after them?
(a) They decide to stay at Dancing Lawn.
(b) They surround Miraz's castle.
(c) Cair Paravel.
(d) Aslan's How.

9. In Chapter 12, who has given up on any help coming from the horn?
(a) Caspian.
(b) Nikabrik.
(c) Doctor Cornelius.
(d) Trufflehunter.

10. What service does Lucy provide to Trumpkin in Chapter 8?
(a) She carries his bow and arrows to the archery match.
(b) She heals his shoulder wound with her cordial.
(c) She gives him her sword to use for the fencing match.
(d) She fetches his arrow for him after the archery match.

11. How do the Pevensies and Trumpkin cross the gorge when they get down to it in Chapter 11?
(a) They swim across at a still area.
(b) They hop across on stepping stones.
(c) The gorge is shallow enough for them to walk through it.
(d) They lash some branches together and use it as a small raft.

12. In Chapter 12, who does Nikabrik plan to summon to help fight Miraz?
(a) The White Witch.
(b) Allies from Archenland.
(c) Aslan.
(d) The Nymphs and Dryads.

13. Why do Trumpkin and the Pevensies turn around and go back the way they came when they get close to crossing the river?
(a) They realize that the river is too swift to swim.
(b) They are attacked with arrows.
(c) They are warned to turn around by Aslan.
(d) They see a group of soliders and decide to avoid them.

14. In Chapter 7, who volunteers to meet whoever the horn may call at Cair Paravel?
(a) Doctor Cornelius.
(b) Nikabrik.
(c) Glenstorm.
(d) Trumpkin.

15. After the sighting of Aslan in Chapter 9, how does the party decide which direction to go?
(a) They take their bearings with the compass and continue on.
(b) They decide to turn back and go the way Trumpkin is familiar with.
(c) They put it to a vote which route to take.
(d) They listen to the person who has seen Aslan.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of their great ship that Lucy and Susan reminisce about in Chapter 8?

2. What old battle victory does Edmund mention to Trumpkin in Chapter 8 as proof of their experience?

3. When Lucy wakes in Chapter 10, what does she first see that intrigues her to leave her party?

4. In Chapter 7, who begs to give a brief address before they begin the council?

5. As the Pevensies and Trumpkin continue their journey in Chapter 9, what does Trumpkin shoot with an arrow?

(see the answer keys)

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