Prince Caspian Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Prince Caspian Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After they procure the boat from the soldiers, how do the children get breakfast?
(a) They use nets from the boat to catch crabs.
(b) They fish with tackle on the boat.
(c) They find all of the food they need stored on the boat.
(d) They use a frying pan from the boat to cook their apples.

2. What land are Caspian's ancestors native of?
(a) Tenusia.
(b) Narnia.
(c) The Land of Telmar.
(d) England.

3. In Chapter 1, what does Lucy propose the children do for their second meal on the island?
(a) Catch shrimps from the sea.
(b) Find insects to eat.
(c) Find gulls' eggs and eat them.
(d) Gather edible flowers and roots.

4. When Caspian awakens in Chapter 5, what does Nikabrik want to do to him?
(a) Return him to King Miraz.
(b) Take care of his wounds.
(c) Kill him.
(d) Set him free.

5. What instruments does Prince Caspian learn to play in Chapter 5?
(a) The recorder and the theorbo.
(b) The piano and the guitar.
(c) The lyre and the flute.
(d) A Telemarine horn and Narnian fife.

6. What do gifts does Prince Caspian receive from his tutor in Chapter 5?
(a) A horse and a cloak.
(b) A purse of gold and Susan's horn.
(c) A map and a compass.
(d) A sword and a shield.

7. In Chapter 2, how do the children open the door they find in the castle ruins?
(a) They are unable to open the door.
(b) They discover a key to its lock.
(c) They burn the door down by making a fire at its base.
(d) They break down the rotting wood with pocket knives.

8. In Chapter 4, what astronomical event does Caspian's tutor plan a midnight lesson around?
(a) The conjunction of the planets Tarva and Alambil.
(b) An appearance of a rare commet, called Thusiluas.
(c) A solar eclipse.
(d) A meteor shower.

9. In Chapter 4, why does Caspian's tutor select the tower he does for the astronomy lesson?
(a) It has the best view of the astronomical event.
(b) It is the only tower he has permission to use.
(c) It is the most private and there is no danger of being overheard.
(d) It is the shortest distance from Caspian's room.

10. As it begins to get dark on their first night on the island, what do the children do first to prepare for night?
(a) Gather branches and build a fire.
(b) They spell out "SOS" with stones on the beach.
(c) Build a makeshift tent from their overcoats and branches.
(d) They search for and discover a cave in which to spend the night.

11. In Chapter 6, what is the first clue to tell Caspian of the approach of Fauns?
(a) He can see the gleam cast from their horns.
(b) He can smell them.
(c) They send ahead a messenger bird telling of their approach.
(d) He hears music and faint drumming.

12. What injuries do the Pevensie children sustain while eating their breakfast in Chapter 3?
(a) Singed taste buds.
(b) Burnt fingers.
(c) Bleeding gums.
(d) They don't sustain any injuries during breakfast.

13. What type of animal is Patterwig?
(a) A red flying cardinal.
(b) A red squirrel.
(c) An otter.
(d) A chipmunk.

14. In Chapter 3, why is the Dwarf initially uneasy in the castle ruins?
(a) He does not trust the Pevensie children.
(b) He is worried about the return of the soliders.
(c) He isn't uneasy, just curious about the place.
(d) He finds the place very spooky and "smelling of ghosts."

15. What do the children eat for dinner on their first night on the island?
(a) Roots and berries.
(b) Apples.
(c) They cannot find anything to eat and just go hungry.
(d) Pieces of sandwiches left over from lunch.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following names is not the name of a Faun listed in Chapter 6?

2. Why does the Dwarf agree to tell his story before the children relate their story in Chapter 3?

3. Why don't Caspian's gentlemen-in-waiting wake up when he enters to supper room in Chapter 5?

4. What do the Pevensie children do for drinking water when they first land on the island?

5. How did the Fauns hear about Caspian and come to him in Chapter 6?

(see the answer keys)

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