The Poisonwood Bible Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Poisonwood Bible Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is painted on Mother's oval platter?
(a) Blue forget-me-nots
(b) Purple lilacs
(c) White daisies
(d) Pink roses

2. What does Anatole have on his face?
(a) Pimples
(b) Freckles
(c) Scars
(d) Moles

3. What are the Prices told is going to happen in the Congo?
(a) The Olympics
(b) A feast
(c) Independence from Belgium
(d) The funeral of the president

4. Where does Adah go when she gets home?
(a) To the living room
(b) To the hammock
(c) To her bedroom
(d) To the kitchen

5. What happens after the Independence in the Price household?
(a) Mother and Ruth May get sick
(b) Their mirror is stolen
(c) Nathan decides to leave the Congo
(d) One of the family dies

6. Why do people keep staring at Rachel?
(a) She talks with a lisp
(b) Her white shoes
(c) Her blonde hair and blue eyes
(d) She walks funny

7. Who doesn't always take her quinine pills?
(a) Orleanna
(b) Ruth May
(c) Adah
(d) Rachel

8. What takes up half the day in the Congo?
(a) Cooking
(b) Caring for the chickens
(c) Praying
(d) Visiting people

9. Where did Orleanna think she was when she woke sometimes?
(a) Lawrence, Kansas
(b) Pearl, Mississippi
(c) Atlanta, Georgia
(d) Chicago, Illinois

10. What does Methuselah do that makes Nathan angry?
(a) Eats Nathan's sermon paper
(b) Says a swear word
(c) Sings too loud
(d) Gets out of his cage

11. What are sandals made of in Kilanga?
(a) Wood
(b) Car tires
(c) Vines
(d) Leather

12. How many meals does Orleanna feed her family in the Congo?
(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 1

13. What happens to families in Nathan's congregation that lose a child?
(a) They call on Nathan for advice
(b) They stay in the church
(c) They go back to ancestor worship
(d) They adopt another baby

14. Why does Orleanna stay with her husband?
(a) Because he loves her
(b) Because she thinks that he is a great husband
(c) Because it is what she can do
(d) Because she doesn't have the money to leave

15. Whose job is it to keep an eye on Ruth May?
(a) Adah
(b) Rachel
(c) Leah
(d) Nathan

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Adah think that the church in Kilanga has become?

2. Ruth May thinks that Africans are from the tribes of ________?

3. What do the Price girls hide in their pockets on the airplane?

4. What do the girls find after the rain?

5. Orleanna was a child of what era?

(see the answer keys)

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