Plainsong Test | Final Test - Easy

Kent Haruf
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plainsong Test | Final Test - Easy

Kent Haruf
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the board members try to do with the Beckmans?
(a) Pacify them.
(b) Kick them out of the meeting.
(c) Subdue them.
(d) Ignore them.

2. What do Ike and Bobby notice about their mother at Christmas?
(a) She is passive and dominated by her sister.
(b) She seems happier.
(c) She has made some friends.
(d) She is drinking too much.

3. What are the boys forbidden to do at their aunt's house?
(a) Ask friends over.
(b) Watch television.
(c) Eat too many sweets.
(d) Leave the apartment.

4. What kind of job does Judy have at the school?
(a) Vice-Principal.
(b) Secretary.
(c) Nurse.
(d) Teacher.

5. What does Tom tell Maggie about visiting Judy?
(a) He had been very drunk.
(b) He did not go to bed with her.
(c) It was a one-night stand.
(d) He is interested in Judy.

6. What does Tom do when he leaves Maggie's house?
(a) Goes horseback riding.
(b) Goes to school.
(c) Goes out to the McPherons.
(d) Delivers Ike and Bobby's papers.

7. What does Guthrie find out a couple of days later about his visit to Judy's house?
(a) Ike and Bobby know he was there.
(b) She is actually married.
(c) He is being censored at the school for going there.
(d) Everyone knew he was there.

8. What does Mr. Beckman threaten?
(a) To have the state police come into the town.
(b) To bring legal action against the school system.
(c) To pull Russell from the school.
(d) To call the governor.

9. How do Ike and Bobby feel when their father picks them up at their aunt's house?
(a) Guilty.
(b) Depressed.
(c) Disappointed.
(d) Happy.

10. What does Tom do about the horse?
(a) Pulls it out of the stall with a tractor.
(b) Calls a veterinarian.
(c) Catches it and puts it back in the stall.
(d) Gives it a carrot.

11. Where does Victoria take a part-time job?
(a) At a convenience store.
(b) At a restaurant.
(c) At a dry cleaning store.
(d) At the school cafeteria.

12. What does Dwayne ask Victoria to do?
(a) Not have an abortion.
(b) Leave him alone.
(c) Come live with him.
(d) Have an abortion.

13. Why do Ike and Bobby go to see Mrs. Stearns?
(a) They want some cookies.
(b) They are worried about her.
(c) It is the only place their father said they were allowed to go.
(d) They are bored.

14. What does a man ask her who comes in Victoria's work place?
(a) If she is married.
(b) If she is pregnant.
(c) If she knows one of her co-workers.
(d) If she wants to come home with him.

15. What does Victoria do in the car with the McPheron brothers?
(a) Tells them about the party.
(b) Tells them her mother is threatening her.
(c) Tells them about Russell at school.
(d) Says she doesn't want to go back to school.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Harold say when Victoria goes back to Maggie's car?

2. What does the chairman tell Mrs. Beckman?

3. What do Ike and Bobby notice about one of their horses when they wake up one morning?

4. What does the man at Victoria's work claim to have in his car?

5. What is wrong with Ike's horse?

(see the answer keys)

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