Plainsong Test | Final Test - Easy

Kent Haruf
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plainsong Test | Final Test - Easy

Kent Haruf
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the board members try to do with the Beckmans?
(a) Subdue them.
(b) Ignore them.
(c) Kick them out of the meeting.
(d) Pacify them.

2. What does Victoria think about after Dwayne leaves?
(a) That he just needs to grow up a little.
(b) That she wants to marry him.
(c) How unhappy she is.
(d) How handsome he is.

3. Why does Mrs. Stearns send Ike and Bobby to the store?
(a) To get some groceries.
(b) To get her some milk.
(c) To get themselves some candy.
(d) To get them out of her hair.

4. What does Tom buy when he is driving around?
(a) Flowers.
(b) A couple of hamburgers.
(c) A bottle of wine.
(d) Beer.

5. What does the man at Victoria's work claim to have in his car?
(a) A set of throwing knives.
(b) A puppy.
(c) A gun.
(d) A pizza.

6. What does Tom tell Maggie about visiting Judy?
(a) He is interested in Judy.
(b) He had been very drunk.
(c) It was a one-night stand.
(d) He did not go to bed with her.

7. Why do Ike and Bobby go to see Mrs. Stearns?
(a) It is the only place their father said they were allowed to go.
(b) They are bored.
(c) They are worried about her.
(d) They want some cookies.

8. What does Victoria do in the car with the McPheron brothers?
(a) Tells them her mother is threatening her.
(b) Says she doesn't want to go back to school.
(c) Tells them about the party.
(d) Tells them about Russell at school.

9. What does Guthrie do before he comes to Judy's house?
(a) Goes out to see Harold and Raymond.
(b) Gets slightly drunk.
(c) Drives by Maggie's house.
(d) Takes Ike and Bobby to their grandmother's.

10. Why does Lloyd Crowder call Tom Guthrie?
(a) To tell him the police have arrested Russell.
(b) To tell him to come to school early the next morning.
(c) To warn him about the Beckmans.
(d) To tell him to keep an eye on Ike and Bobby.

11. What do the boys enjoy dropping off the balcony at their aunt's house?
(a) Frogs.
(b) Dead bugs.
(c) Eggs.
(d) Furniture.

12. With whom does Guthrie leave the bar?
(a) He leaves with Judy.
(b) He leaves alone.
(c) He leaves with Crowder.
(d) He leaves with Maggie.

13. What do the boys tell Guthrie when he arrives home the night of their encounter with Russell?
(a) They tell him they were at Mrs. Stearns.
(b) They tell him what happened.
(c) Nothing.
(d) They are asleep when Tom gets home.

14. When do Ike and Bobby arrive at the McPherons' ranch?
(a) That afternoon.
(b) Early evening.
(c) The next morning.
(d) Late at night.

15. What does Harold tell Raymond about when he gets home?
(a) The price of cattle feed.
(b) His conversation with Victoria.
(c) His conversation with Maggie.
(d) What the town mayor said at the meeting.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are Guthrie and Maggie dancing?

2. What does Victoria tell Maggie is wrong at the McPherons' house?

3. From where are Ike and Bobby walking home?

4. Where is Guthrie lying at Judy's house?

5. What do Ike and Bobby notice about one of their horses when they wake up one morning?

(see the answer keys)

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