Plainsong Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kent Haruf
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plainsong Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kent Haruf
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Victoria work?
(a) Holt cafe.
(b) Burger Brawy.
(c) Taste n' Freeze.
(d) Nowhere.

2. With whom does Maggie Jones live?
(a) Her grandparents.
(b) Her sister.
(c) Her husband.
(d) Her father.

3. What does Russ want of Sharlene?
(a) For her to have sex with his friend.
(b) Nothing.
(c) For her to have an abortion.
(d) For her to have sex with him.

4. Why is Mr. Beckman angry at Crowder?
(a) Russell needs special tutors the school won't give him.
(b) Russell claims some bullies at school attacked him.
(c) Russell won't be playing in that weekend's tournament.
(d) Russell says Crowder was mean to him.

5. What happened to the McPheron brothers that makes Maggie say they will be understanding?
(a) They like animals.
(b) They have many nieces and nephews.
(c) They lost their parents when young.
(d) They have both raised daughters.

6. What does Ella do after Tom talks to her?
(a) Says she would like some breakfast.
(b) Folds her arm across her face.
(c) Screams.
(d) Throws a pillow at him.

7. What does Victoria find when she gets home after work?
(a) She is locked out.
(b) The house is on fire.
(c) The house has been broken into.
(d) Her mother left town.

8. What does the student say about the length of his report when asked?
(a) He could not find any information on his topic.
(b) He didn't want to bore the class.
(c) He thought it was supposed to be at least 10 minutes long.
(d) He tried to pare it down more.

9. What does Victoria need on her lunch break?
(a) To see the principal.
(b) Something to eat that will not aggravate her nausea.
(c) To talk to the boy who is the father of her baby.
(d) Time to get to the pay phone and call her boss.

10. What does Victoria ask about as far as a doctor is concerned?
(a) Why she needs to see a doctor.
(b) If the fees will be very much.
(c) If a doctor will see her without her mother.
(d) If there is a female doctor in town.

11. How does Jim take the news about Ella?
(a) He forbids her to go.
(b) He says that he is sad but it's probably for the best.
(c) At first he is argumentative.
(d) He is glad.

12. What does Mrs. Beckman tend to use when she talks?
(a) A lot of legal terms.
(b) Profanity.
(c) Bad grammar.
(d) An English accent.

13. Why does Ike and Bobby's mother cry when they are there?
(a) She does not cry.
(b) Because they say they want her to come back home.
(c) Because they buy her perfume and bubble bath as a present.
(d) She is watching a sad soap opera.

14. Why do Ike and Bobby go to the train station?
(a) To get newspapers for their delivery route.
(b) To watch a train with a new type of diesel engine come into the station.
(c) To watch for their father.
(d) To take the metro train to school.

15. What are students doing in Guthrie's class?
(a) Acting out a play.
(b) Giving speeches.
(c) Shooting spitballs while he is in the hallway.
(d) Most of them are sleeping.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the boys ask about the McPheron brothers?

2. What does Raymond worry about the first night Victoria is at their house?

3. What does Bobby tell Mrs. Stearns about their mother?

4. What do Ike and Bobby decide to do?

5. Where do Ike and Bobby take a classmate?

(see the answer keys)

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