The Plague Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Plague Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what important way has the plague changed?
(a) It has become much more severe.
(b) It has changed from bubonic to pneumonic.
(c) It has changed from pneumonic to bubonic.
(d) It has changed from bubonic to harmonic.

2. In what era is the story set?
(a) 1940s during World War II.
(b) 1940s, shortly after World War II.
(c) 1916, during World War I.
(d) During the French Revolution.

3. What is the main message of the closing sermon at High Mass?
(a) People smoke and drink too much.
(b) God has sent the plague to force people to repent.
(c) God no longer cares about humanity.
(d) God is love.

4. To whom does Rieux disclose that the apris serum is not ideally effective?
(a) Rambert.
(b) His mother.
(c) Grand.
(d) His wife.

5. What does Rieux ask Jean Tarrou to do for him?
(a) To write to the local authorities about the rats.
(b) To write a journal documenting the plague.
(c) To write to his wife for him.
(d) To provide funding for treating plague victims.

6. What is M. Grand's job?
(a) He is Manager at the Municipal Office.
(b) He is a clerk in the Municipal Office.
(c) He is a bank manager.
(d) He is a clerk at the hospital.

7. What is the focus in the questioning of Cottard?
(a) Tarrou's journal.
(b) Cottard's suicide attempt.
(c) Dr Rieux's professional treatment.
(d) Cottard's wife.

8. How does Rieux treat the plague victims?
(a) He lances and drains the abscesses.
(b) He injects them with penicillin.
(c) He can do nothing.
(d) He applies poultices to the abscesses and makes the people stay indoors.

9. How does the Spaniard spend his days?
(a) Reading.
(b) Counting dried peas.
(c) Counting rats.
(d) Writing a novel.

10. What causes panic in the town?
(a) The number of people dying from plague.
(b) The plague of rats.
(c) A possible attack from Germany.
(d) The number of rat deaths.

11. Why is use of the telephone severely restricted?
(a) Because doctors need the phone lines open.
(b) Because there is only one line available.
(c) The lines have been congested.
(d) It is too expensive.

12. Who is the first victim of the plague?
(a) M. Cottard.
(b) The concierge in Dr. Rieux's apartment building.
(c) A railway porter.
(d) The Spaniard.

13. What action has Dr. Rieux already taken?
(a) He has started to manufacture anti-plague serum.
(b) He has ordered supplies of anti-plague serum.
(c) He has bought a train ticket out of town.
(d) He has organised mass poisonings of rats.

14. Which method is successful for the character in attaining the goal?
(a) None. He fails.
(b) Rational argument.
(c) Civil disobedience.
(d) Sabotage.

15. Why has the journalist Raymod Rambert come to Oran?
(a) To investigate the welfare of Arabs in Oran.
(b) To investigate the plague of rats in Oran.
(c) To research suicide deaths in Oran.
(d) To interview the polic magistrate.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who preaches the closing sermon at High Mass?

2. What creative problem does Grand have?

3. What is Rieux worried about?

4. How does Rieux caution Tarrou?

5. Who is Joseph Grand?

(see the answer keys)

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