Patty Jane's House of Curl Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Patty Jane's House of Curl Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Avel's plane crash?
(a) Houston.
(b) Port-au-Prince.
(c) Havana.
(d) Kingston.

2. What is the only reason that Patty Jane will get out of bed in Chapter 7?
(a) To eat.
(b) To let Ione and Harriet into the apartment.
(c) To care for the baby.
(d) To collect the mail.

3. What does Patty Jane advise Avel to do on the night before he leaves for South America?
(a) Sleep with Harriet.
(b) Have a drink before flying.
(c) Visit his mother.
(d) Update his will.

4. Why does Avel pay for Harriet's tuition to a music school?
(a) As an engagement gift.
(b) As a Christmas gift.
(c) He wants to be a record producer.
(d) As a tax write-off.

5. How old is Nora during the prologue of the novel?
(a) Eight.
(b) Ten.
(c) Fifteen.
(d) Twelve.

6. Where does Thor go following his argument with Patty Jane in Chapter 6?
(a) His brother's house.
(b) Another woman's home.
(c) To buy tires for his car.
(d) A bar.

7. Where do Avel's sisters decide he needs to go on business in Chapter 7?
(a) Asia.
(b) Europe.
(c) South America.
(d) Australia.

8. How does Thor hit his head in Chapter 6?
(a) He slips on some ice.
(b) He gets knocked over by a man on a motorcycle.
(c) He wanders into a construction zone.
(d) He falls down some stairs.

9. What do Harriet and Ione go to the store for in Chapter 7?
(a) Cigarettes.
(b) Diapers.
(c) Clothes.
(d) Milk.

10. Why does Avel offer Thor a modeling job?
(a) He knows with a baby on the way Thor needs a job.
(b) Avel promised Harriet he would.
(c) Avel thinks Thor's image will improve sales.
(d) To thank him for the fight.

11. What is Ione pleased by in Chapter 3?
(a) Thor's work ethic.
(b) Harriet's kindness toward her sister.
(c) Patty Jane's and Thor's open affection.
(d) Patty Jane's good sense.

12. What is Patty Jane in awe of in Chapter 3?
(a) Ione's generosity.
(b) Thor's helpfulness.
(c) Her changing body.
(d) A single mother she befriends.

13. What does Patty Jane announce to Thor on the morning after their wedding?
(a) That she loves someone else.
(b) That she wants to leave him.
(c) That she doesn't want children.
(d) That she has just conceived their child.

14. What does Harriet think about Patty Jane's pregnancy?
(a) Patty Jane will make a poor mother.
(b) Harriet is jealous of Patty Jane.
(c) Patty Jane should haven taken some time for herself first.
(d) Patty Jane should have gotten pregnant sooner.

15. Who does Avel give his car keys to in Chapter 2?
(a) His brother.
(b) A valet.
(c) A homeless man.
(d) A little boy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Harriet?

2. What kind of company is Avel the heir of?

3. How did Patty Jane's parents die?

4. What does Nora often imagine about her father in the prologue?

5. What does Patty Jane become angry at Ione for in Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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