Paradise Lost Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Paradise Lost Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the first thing Adam asked the animals?
(a) Why he was there
(b) Who his maker was
(c) Where he could get good food
(d) If they were any women on earth

2. What will happen when the church becomes corrupted?
(a) God himself will come down to earth.
(b) Earth will be destroyed.
(c) The Messiah will come again.
(d) A great holy war will break out.

3. What is happening to the people in the lazar-house?
(a) They are giving birth.
(b) They are talking in different tongues.
(c) They are being tortured.
(d) They are dying of terrible diseases.

4. What two people does Adam see in a field?
(a) Two lovers
(b) A reaper and a shepherd
(c) A blacksmith and a shepherd
(d) A father and a child

5. What story does Adam now ask Raphael to tell?
(a) Satan's upbringing
(b) Creation
(c) Noah's Ark
(d) God's upbringing

6. What does God say on the first day?
(a) Let there be day
(b) Let the fishes swim and the animals crawl
(c) Accept my son
(d) Let there be light

7. From who will the new nation spring?
(a) Abraham
(b) Abel
(c) Joseph
(d) Adam

8. From where does Adam claim men's woes spring?
(a) Love
(b) Himself
(c) God
(d) Women

9. How many days does Satan think it will take to destroy Eden?
(a) Three days
(b) Two days
(c) One day
(d) Half a day

10. What will God promise Abraham?
(a) A beautiful wife
(b) Children
(c) Land
(d) Eternal peace

11. Who names the animals?
(a) God
(b) Adam
(c) Eve
(d) Michael

12. Whose help does the author go to for to continue the story?
(a) Uriel
(b) God
(c) Urania
(d) Satan

13. What does God create on the fifth day?
(a) The clouds and the sky
(b) The sea and the land
(c) Countries
(d) The moon, the stars and the sun

14. How do Satan's followers respond to his victory?
(a) By hissing
(b) By booing
(c) By stamping
(d) By holding up hell's flag

15. What does Michael say will eventually happen to the church?
(a) It will be corrupted by power.
(b) It will destroy itself.
(c) It will no longer be needed.
(d) It will take over the world.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reason does Adam give for hiding?

2. After whose image has Eve been fashioned?

3. What does Adam realize is the highest victory?

4. What does the reaper use to beat the shepherd to death?

5. What will Jesus' sacrifice defeat?

(see the answer keys)

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