Paradise Lost Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Paradise Lost Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What two people does Adam see in a field?
(a) A father and a child
(b) A blacksmith and a shepherd
(c) A reaper and a shepherd
(d) Two lovers

2. How do Satan's followers respond to his victory?
(a) By booing
(b) By stamping
(c) By hissing
(d) By holding up hell's flag

3. After whose image has Eve been fashioned?
(a) Satan
(b) The angels
(c) Man
(d) God

4. What three things does God create on the fifth day?
(a) Flowers, plants and trees
(b) Reptiles, fish and birds
(c) Birds, bees and trees
(d) Man, woman and animal

5. What happens when Satan's followers eat fruit from the trees?
(a) The fruit turn into frogs.
(b) The fruit bites them back.
(c) The fruit becomes dust.
(d) The fruit disappears.

6. What will God curse to gain revenge on the tyrant and his followers?
(a) Their tongues
(b) Their looks
(c) Their joints
(d) Their bowels

7. What does God say will happen to Adam if he eats from the tree of knowledge?
(a) He will grow lazy and stupid.
(b) He will die
(c) He will lose his looks.
(d) He will spend eternity alone.

8. Why is woman inferior to man?
(a) She cannot speak.
(b) She bears less resemblance to God.
(c) She is a simpler creature.
(d) She is made from a rib.

9. What does the poet warn the reader at the beginning of Book 9?
(a) The reader may lose interest.
(b) The story is about to become a melodrama.
(c) The story is to become a tragedy.
(d) The story is about to end.

10. With what does Raphael say the Son of God goes forward?
(a) The Word
(b) Abandon
(c) Peace
(d) Love

11. What does Michael say will eventually happen to the church?
(a) It will take over the world.
(b) It will no longer be needed.
(c) It will destroy itself.
(d) It will be corrupted by power.

12. What creature does Satan choose for his purpose?
(a) A tiger
(b) A hedgehog
(c) A serpent
(d) An elephant

13. What does the Son of God use to draw the circumference of Heaven and Earth?
(a) A silver compass
(b) A silver pen
(c) A golden pencil
(d) A golden compass

14. What punishment does God give Adam?
(a) To know evil
(b) To feel tiredness
(c) To eat bread made form his own labor
(d) To descend into hell

15. Whose help does the author go to for to continue the story?
(a) God
(b) Urania
(c) Satan
(d) Uriel

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Adam say he has been comparing at the beginning of Book 8?

2. What will proclaim the savior's coming?

3. What does God create on the fifth day?

4. What time do Adam and Eve agree to meet?

5. Where do Moses and Aaron find their new nation?

(see the answer keys)

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