Outlander Test | Final Test - Medium

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Outlander Test | Final Test - Medium

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part 5, Chapter 32, what is Claire cooking for dessert?
(a) Cherry cobbler.
(b) Cookies.
(c) Brownies.
(d) Brose pudding.

2. What type of fish do the fish pools at the abbey contain?
(a) Goldfish.
(b) Carp.
(c) Herring.
(d) Trout.

3. What is the pet name by which Jamie calls Jenny?
(a) "Mo cridh."
(b) "Je suis prest."
(c) "Mo duinne."
(d) "Broch tuarach."

4. What is Claire doing at the beginning of Part 5, Chapter 32?
(a) Grinding medicines with her mortar and pestle.
(b) Weeding her asparagus patch.
(c) Making beeswax candles.
(d) Harvesting corydalis tubers.

5. How long does Jenny say it takes to make beeswax candles, from start to finish?
(a) Half an hour.
(b) A day.
(c) A week.
(d) A month.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which monk tends the abbey's greenhouse expertly, including watching over the growth of medicinal herbs?

2. What is the name of the boy who was supposed to gather all the cattle before a coming storm?

3. What is the name of the housekeeper at Jamie's home?

4. According to Ian, what direction did the Watch take Jamie in Part 5, Chapter 33?

5. In Part 5, Chapter 27, who offers to gather some apples in the orchard for Jenny?

Short Essay Questions

1. As Jamie tells Claire in Part 7, Chapter 41, why did he ask her to let him die in the immediate aftermath of his escape from Wentworth Prison?

2. How does Claire break the lock on Jamie's chains?

3. What does the Franciscan priest teach Claire to do during the night when she is not sleeping?

4. Where does Jamie want to go when he mentions his plans to leave Lallybroch on an errand in Part 5, Chapter 28, and why?

5. Why did the Watch not kill Ian when they captured Jamie?

6. What does Claire want Father Anselm to do for her, and how does he react?

7. When Claire goes to sees Jamie in the beginning of Part 7, Chapter 39, Murtagh stops her before she gets to the door and tells her what?

8. According to Jenny, why do men make love to women?

9. What is Geillis Duncan's message for Claire?

10. When Claire meets the Franciscan priest in Part 7, Chapter 38, where is the priest going?

(see the answer keys)

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