Outlander Test | Final Test - Easy

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Outlander Test | Final Test - Easy

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which monk tends the abbey's greenhouse expertly, including watching over the growth of medicinal herbs?
(a) Abbot Alexander.
(b) Brother Ambrose.
(c) Father Herbert.
(d) Brother Bartolome.

2. What type of ointment does Claire use to help Jamie's back heal in Part 7, Chapter 40?
(a) Bag balm.
(b) Dandelion wine.
(c) Triple antibiotic ointment.
(d) Marigold salve.

3. Where does Jamie take Claire in Part 7, Chapter 41?
(a) Rome.
(b) The abbey's library.
(c) The herbarium.
(d) The hot spring.

4. What name does Jenny call Jamie in Part 5, Chapter 31, while she is making him ready for the holiday?
(a) Idiot.
(b) Rex.
(c) Mo duinne.
(d) Roy.

5. How many daughters does Dougal have?
(a) Four.
(b) Five.
(c) Two.
(d) One.

6. What is the name of the first girl Jamie kissed?
(a) Claire.
(b) Laoghaire.
(c) Molly.
(d) Tibby.

7. In Part 5, Chapter 33, who announces that the English have captured Jamie?
(a) Dougal.
(b) Murtagh.
(c) Ronald MacNab.
(d) Ian.

8. What is the name of the housekeeper at Jamie's home?
(a) Mrs. Fitzgibbons.
(b) Mrs. Crook.
(c) Mrs. Mackenzie.
(d) Mrs. Horrocks.

9. According to the story Jamie tells Claire, what did he call his father the last time he received a beating?
(a) "Idiot."
(b) "Uncle."
(c) "Fool."
(d) "Brat."

10. As Ian relates to Jamie, on what holiday did Jenny and he get married?
(a) St. Anne's Day.
(b) St. Martin's Day.
(c) Quarter Day.
(d) Ascension Sunday.

11. In Part 5, Chapter 27, who offers to gather some apples in the orchard for Jenny?
(a) Jamie.
(b) Claire.
(c) Murtagh.
(d) Ian.

12. What time of year is it at the end of the novel?
(a) Summer.
(b) Christmas.
(c) Spring.
(d) Late winter.

13. Whom does Jenny blame for what happened to Jamie and to their father at the hands of Captain Randall?
(a) Corporal Hawkins.
(b) Murtagh.
(c) Herself.
(d) Jamie.

14. Whom does the messenger take Claire to see in Part 6, Chapter 34?
(a) Ian.
(b) Geillis Duncan.
(c) Captain Randall.
(d) Dougal.

15. As Part 6, Chapter 34 reveals, who is Hamish Mackenzie's biological father?
(a) Murtagh.
(b) Dougal.
(c) Colum Mackenzie.
(d) Jamie.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what religion is Claire?

2. What do Jamie and Ian do while Jenny is in labor?

3. When Claire goes to check on Jamie in Part 7, Chapter 40, who has been taking care of him?

4. What is the name of the boy who was supposed to gather all the cattle before a coming storm?

5. How old was Jamie when his father first beat him as punishment?

(see the answer keys)

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