Outlander Test | Final Test - Easy

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Outlander Test | Final Test - Easy

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of fish do the fish pools at the abbey contain?
(a) Carp.
(b) Herring.
(c) Trout.
(d) Goldfish.

2. At the end of Part 5, Chapter 30, what word does Jamie use to describe how he feels after having drunk with Ian?
(a) Exhilarated.
(b) Maudlin.
(c) Exuberant.
(d) Sad.

3. What does Claire do to the Redcoat she chases in Part 7, Chapter 37?
(a) Threatens him with death.
(b) Ties him to a tree.
(c) Confiscates his horse.
(d) Kills him.

4. Where does Claire hide her dagger in Part 7, Chapter 36, just in case she needs to face the English and defend herself and Jamie?
(a) In her sleeve.
(b) Rolled up in the back of her dress.
(c) In a sheath on her calf.
(d) In her dagger pocket.

5. What is Claire doing at the beginning of Part 5, Chapter 32?
(a) Grinding medicines with her mortar and pestle.
(b) Making beeswax candles.
(c) Harvesting corydalis tubers.
(d) Weeding her asparagus patch.

6. Who is in charge of Wentworth Prison?
(a) Sir Fletcher Gordon.
(b) Captain Randall.
(c) Ewan Crook.
(d) Dougal.

7. Which monk tends Jamie's wounds?
(a) Father Valentine.
(b) Brother Francis.
(c) Abbot Alexander.
(d) Brother Ambrose.

8. What does Claire kill while she is escaping Wentworth Prison?
(a) A bear.
(b) A feral cat.
(c) Captain Randall.
(d) A wolf.

9. As Jamie relates in Part 7, Chapter 39, when Captain Randall was beginning to torture him, what did Randall do first with the knife?
(a) Cut a shallow wound across his chest.
(b) Stab him in the hand.
(c) Nick his ear.
(d) Cut off his smallest toe.

10. What name does Jenny call Jamie in Part 5, Chapter 31, while she is making him ready for the holiday?
(a) Rex.
(b) Roy.
(c) Mo duinne.
(d) Idiot.

11. What type of ointment does Claire use to help Jamie's back heal in Part 7, Chapter 40?
(a) Dandelion wine.
(b) Bag balm.
(c) Marigold salve.
(d) Triple antibiotic ointment.

12. What time of year is it at the end of the novel?
(a) Christmas.
(b) Summer.
(c) Spring.
(d) Late winter.

13. After Claire leaves Wentworth Prison in Part 7, Chapter 35, what does Rupert offer her to make her feel better?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Milk.
(c) Whiskey.
(d) Tea.

14. In Part 5, Chapter 33, whom does Jenny find to replace her on the hunt for Jamie?
(a) Murtagh.
(b) Ian.
(c) Dougal.
(d) Captain Randall.

15. How many daughters does Dougal have?
(a) One.
(b) Four.
(c) Two.
(d) Five.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the scent that bothers Jamie so much in Part 7, Chapter 38?

2. What does Claire do when she visits the tenants' cottages?

3. What is the name of the man who owns the estate to which Claire is taken in Part 7, Chapter 36?

4. Where is the abbey at which Claire, Murtagh, and Jamie arrive in Part 7, Chapter 38?

5. As Ian relates to Jamie, on what holiday did Jenny and he get married?

(see the answer keys)

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