Oryx and Crake Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Oryx and Crake Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What sound does Snowman hear as he approaches the village?
(a) Screeching.
(b) Chanting.
(c) Crooning.
(d) Screaming.

2. What is the man who locks up Oryx ordered to do for her?
(a) Pay for her schooling.
(b) Give her a large sum of money.
(c) Provide housing for her.
(d) Fix her reputation.

3. How does Snowman explain the situation to the Crakers as they leave the dome?
(a) He says that they are a part of Crake's dream.
(b) He says that Oryx is waiting for them.
(c) He says that Crake is waiting for them.
(d) He says that they are dreaming.

4. What is one of the unknown human men carrying when the Crakers see them?
(a) Canned food.
(b) A radio.
(c) A pair of shoes.
(d) A gun.

5. What watch tower does Snowman climb down to the ground from?
(a) 3rd.
(b) 8th.
(c) 9th.
(d) 4th.

6. What is discouraged at Crake's school?
(a) Independence.
(b) Formality.
(c) Pair-bonding.
(d) Individualism.

7. What does Snowman fear when the lights go out inside the building?
(a) Dead guards.
(b) Crakers.
(c) Rats.
(d) Snakes.

8. What do the group of unknown humans run toward when the Crakers expose themselves?
(a) The beach.
(b) The compound.
(c) The mountains.
(d) The forest.

9. What does Snowman plan to tell the Crakers regarding what he saw that is a message from Crake?
(a) A dream.
(b) A talking animal.
(c) A burning bush.
(d) A written note.

10. On what body part does Snowman suffer a cut?
(a) Hand.
(b) Foot.
(c) Knee.
(d) Arm.

11. How does Crake die?
(a) A security guard shoots him.
(b) Jimmy shoots him.
(c) He is killed by a Craker.
(d) He is attacked by a wild animal.

12. What are the Crakers doing around the structure they have built?
(a) Singing.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Praying.
(d) Eating.

13. How many fish does Snowman plan to tell the Crakers that he needs to eat per week?
(a) 5.
(b) 2.
(c) 3.
(d) 7.

14. Where does Jimmy get a summer job?
(a) Crake's dome.
(b) Movie theater.
(c) Library.
(d) Restaurant.

15. When do people in Crake's dome die?
(a) When they are 20-years-old.
(b) When they are 40-years-old.
(c) When they are 30-years-old.
(d) When they reproduce.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the Crakers build while Snowman is away on the compound?

2. When Snowman leaves the compound and is walking back to the Crakers, what does he think about?

3. What does Jimmy lose interest in after learning about his mother's fate?

4. What does Snowman forget when he leaves the tower?

5. Where does Snowman believe that he will find food?

(see the answer keys)

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