Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the pastor tell Jean when they run into each other?
(a) That Melanie never loved her.
(b) That he had handled the situation poorly.
(c) The church was better without her.
(d) That the church missed her and her energy.

2. What does the sorcerer do for Winnet to help her feel safe dining with him?
(a) He tells her details of her own life.
(b) He tells her his name.
(c) He gives her the source of his power.
(d) He draws a chalk circle with a little gap in it for her to step into and then close.

3. How are Jean and Katy discovered?
(a) They forgot to lock their door and someone looked in while they were in bed.
(b) Jean announces their love to the whole congregation.
(c) Jean's mom finds their letters.
(d) Katy confesses everything to the pastor.

4. How does Jean characterize a story heard from various perspectives?
(a) A stew with various ingrediants.
(b) A vegetable and cream, pureed together.
(c) A sandwich laced with mustard of her own.
(d) A seamless wonder.

5. What is the first thing that happens in the chapter titled Judges?
(a) Jean's mother tells her to move out.
(b) Jean packs for missionary school.
(c) Jean confesses her sexuality to the pastor.
(d) Jean announces her sexuality to the congregation.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following best describes the attitude of Jean's mother when Jean comes back for a visit?

2. What does Jean tell the church?

3. What do people do when they tell stories?

4. Where does Jean dream she is when she falls asleep?

5. What does Jean compare history to?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe what happened when Jean's biological mother returned to claim her.

2. Describe how the author describes Pol Pot in relation to history in the chapter entitled Deuteronomy.

3. What does Jean tell the pastor and elders of her church when they return after locking her up? Is she sincere?

4. What happens when Jean finally returns home after being accused by the pastor in church?

5. What do the pastor and her mother pinpoint as the culprit for Jean's sexuality?

6. What happens at Elsie's funeral?

7. What is the point the author makes using the pilgrim fathers in her chapter entitled Deuteronomy?

8. In what ways might the chapter entitled Deuteronomy apply to Jean's life?

9. What is Jean's mother's reaction to the discovery of Jean's continued interest in women?

10. Describe the food metaphor the author uses to describe hearing about an event from various sources.

(see the answer keys)

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