Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Jean's mother and the pastor argue about?
(a) How suited Jean would be to be a missionary.
(b) If Jean can still preach at church.
(c) Whether Jean is a wicked person or unfortunate victim.
(d) The best way to exorcise demons.

2. What does Jean's mother call Jean's romantic love for another woman?
(a) Cowardice.
(b) Aping men.
(c) Rebelliousness.
(d) Intentionally mocking her.

3. What does Jean tell the church?
(a) Her love affair with Melanie never ended.
(b) She was weak and the demon repossessed her.
(c) She would always love women.
(d) Love is never a sin.

4. What is it like for Jean when Melanie visits and kisses her goodbye?
(a) She feels nothing.
(b) She is overwhelmed with longing.
(c) She feels close to God.
(d) She is repulsed by the thought.

5. What was the Awful Occasion?
(a) When Jean first realized she was involved in "unnatural passions".
(b) The time Jean's real mother came to claim her.
(c) The time Jean's parents nearly separated.
(d) The day Melanie left Jean.

6. What is Jean's mother's response to the news about Jean's sexuality?
(a) She confesses her own affair with another woman.
(b) She demands Jean leave immediately for missionary school.
(c) She breaks every plate in the house and calls the pastor.
(d) She tells Jean they will always be family no matter what she does.

7. How much warning do Jean and Melanie have of what will happen at church when they are separated?
(a) Jean overheard her mother talking and knew it was coming.
(b) Melanie knew and agreed to it, but Jean did not.
(c) None until the sermon itself.
(d) Jean knows something is up and is nervous.

8. What advice is Jean trying to give us at the end of the chapter titled Deuteronomy?
(a) Don't rely on other's interpretations of stories.
(b) Forget believing stories.
(c) Eat healthy food.
(d) There is not difference between fact and fiction.

9. What does she advise you to do if you want to keep your own teeth?
(a) Try not sinking them into history.
(b) Make your own sandwiches.
(c) Don't be curious.
(d) Stay out of other people's stories.

10. What matters when looking at the past?
(a) What curio you are holding.
(b) That order is seen to prevail.
(c) What you want to see.
(d) Nothing.

11. What instructions does the pastor give Jean after she refuses to repent?
(a) To recognize the devil.
(b) To go home and wait for them.
(c) To leave the community.
(d) To ask God for guidance.

12. Which of the following best describes the attitude of Jean's mother when Jean comes back for a visit?
(a) So casual Jean wonders if she realized she had been gone.
(b) Happy to see her.
(c) Irate and vindictive.
(d) Superior and distant.

13. How does Jean feel about her church before she is accused in the sermon?
(a) She feels safe and there was nowhere she'd rather be.
(b) She feels like she is untouchable.
(c) She feels stifled and nervous.
(d) She is nervous about what would happen if they found out.

14. What are Jean and Melanie accused of during the sermon?
(a) Falling under Satan's spell.
(b) Loving each other with a love reserved for man and wife.
(c) Not loving God.
(d) All of the above.

15. What does the sorcerer do to the boy Winnet befriends?
(a) Ridicules him in front of Winnet.
(b) Blames him for spoiling Winnet and casts him out.
(c) Makes him a stronger sorcerer than Winnet.
(d) Challenges him to a duel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the sorcerer do for Winnet to help her feel safe dining with him?

2. How much does Jean tell her mother about Melanie?

3. Where does Winnet meet the sorcerer?

4. When the pastor and Jean's mother try to set up another exorcism, what does Jean say?

5. Why does Jean say her mother has always given her problems?

(see the answer keys)

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