The Optimist's Daughter Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Optimist's Daughter Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Laurel have dinner with in Part 3, Chapter 3?
(a) Missouri.
(b) The bridesmaids.
(c) Miss Adele.
(d) Fay.

2. What do the old women think Judge lost?
(a) His judgement.
(b) His mind.
(c) His wallet.
(d) His will.

3. How does Fay react to her family's arrival?
(a) Fay is happy, she has not seen her family in years.
(b) Fay is annoyed because she told everyone she had no family.
(c) Fay is angry no one told her they were coming.
(d) Fay is relieved to have someone there to comfort her.

4. How does Laurel feel about her father's things?
(a) They are a nuisance.
(b) They are worth a great deal of money.
(c) They are old fashioned and useless.
(d) They are comforting and familiar.

5. Who is the portrait of hanging in Judge's library?
(a) The President of the United States.
(b) His Union father.
(c) Judge himself.
(d) His Confederate father.

6. What color paint does Laurel find on her father's desk?
(a) Yellow.
(b) Blue.
(c) Red.
(d) Green.

7. Who remains in the house?
(a) Miss Adele.
(b) Major Bullock.
(c) Laurel.
(d) Fay.

8. What does everyone assume Fay will inherit?
(a) The law practice.
(b) The house.
(c) A car.
(d) A boat.

9. What does Laurel remember about her mother as she prepared to go into the hospital?
(a) That she was a hypochondriac.
(b) That she dismissed her medical problems as trival.
(c) That she was frightened.
(d) That she put on makeup.

10. Where is Judge buried?
(a) In the new section of the cemetery.
(b) Beside Laurel's mother.
(c) In Chicago.
(d) In New Orleans.

11. Why does Laurel have dinner with the bridesmaids?
(a) To remember the good times.
(b) To get drunk and party.
(c) To remember Judge.
(d) To say goodbye.

12. What does Major Bullock do before leaving Laurel?
(a) Asks if Laurel has found her father's will.
(b) Reminds her to stop by to say goodbye before she leaves town.
(c) Turns on the lights in the house.
(d) Chases off a burglar.

13. Where does Laurel believe her father will be buried?
(a) In the new section of the cemetery.
(b) In Chicago.
(c) In New Orleans.
(d) Beside her mother.

14. Who put the paint on the desk?
(a) Laurel.
(b) Judge.
(c) Missouri.
(d) Fay.

15. What is suggested Fay do with the house?
(a) Turn it into a motel.
(b) Turn it into a boarding house.
(c) Turn it into a restaurant.
(d) Sell it.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Laurel trapped?

2. How did Judge react to conflict at home?

3. What do the old women talk about?

4. Who is it suggested would do the cooking in the house?

5. How long does Laurel plan to stay?

(see the answer keys)

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