Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eduardo Galeano
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eduardo Galeano
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Haiti, what does the rainbow symbolize?
(a) The rainbow symbolizes the European ships that came to take the Africans to Haiti so long ago.
(b) The rainbow symbolizes slaves who escaped to the west side of the island and reconstructed their African way of life.
(c) The rainbow symbolizes the victory in the Haitian Civil War.
(d) The rainbow symbolizes the largest sugar harvest on record anywhere in the world.

2. What labor force did the author eyewitness?
(a) The rubber plantations of Brazil.
(b) The tin mines of Bolivia.
(c) The silver mines of Potosi.
(d) The oil refineries of Uruguay.

3. Who was Aleijadinho?
(a) The governor of Minas Gerais.
(b) One of the greatest artists in Brazil's history, nicknamed "Little Cripple."
(c) A Portuguese merchant who exported gold from Brazil.
(d) A Brazilian slave who worked in the diamond mines.

4. After gold, what was the next most important product Latin America could produce?
(a) Wheat.
(b) Sugar.
(c) Corn.
(d) Glass.

5. In which country did Emilian Zapata introduce radical agrarian reform?
(a) Southen Mexico.
(b) Central Honduras.
(c) Western Peru.
(d) Northern Brazil.

6. What great innovations did the sugar slave trade directly fund?
(a) Britain's Great Western Railway.
(b) The Aztec Temples.
(c) The Spanish trade route.
(d) The invention of the automobile.

7. What are the environmental problems with many of Latin America's cash crops?
(a) Many of the cash crops are eaten by animals.
(b) Coffee, sugarcane, and cotton are primarily consumed by the farmers.
(c) Many of the cash crops are failing and leaving large swaths of empty land.
(d) Coffee, sugarcane, and cotton all require mass deforestation.

8. Who was the English monarch at the time of this incident?
(a) Queen Elizabeth II, who ignored the incident.
(b) Queen Victoria, after which claimed Bolivia no longer existed.
(c) King George I, who declared war on Bolivia.
(d) King Henry VIII, after which congratulated Melgarejo on being creative.

9. If slaves arrived in the colony and were too ill to work, what happened to them?
(a) They were sent back to Africa to recover.
(b) They were taken to the plantation anyway.
(c) They were left on the ship's deck to die.
(d) They were put in a hospital to recover.

10. What Spanish conquistador defeated the great Tenochtitlan?
(a) Columbus.
(b) Pizarro.
(c) Cortes.
(d) Marco Polo.

11. What was Colombia paid for the erection of the Panama Canal?
(a) 50 million dollars.
(b) 10 million dollars.
(c) 25 million dollars.
(d) 5 million dollars.

12. What Aztec innovation in Mexico City is still visited by tourists today?
(a) The floating gardens.
(b) The great sundial.
(c) The pyramids of Cairo.
(d) The golden mask.

13. What do coffee and petroleum have in common?
(a) They each foster higher profits for the consuming country than for the producing country.
(b) They are each rapidly falling in price and usefulness.
(c) They are each dark in color and used all over the world.
(d) They each need very particular growing conditions.

14. What resource replaced nitrate as Chile's main export?
(a) Wool.
(b) Gold.
(c) Copper.
(d) Steel.

15. What did the Treaty of Tordesillas accomplish?
(a) It allowed Portugal to occupy certain Latin American territories.
(b) It allowed Portugal to teach the Indians religion.
(c) It granted protection to the Indians.
(d) It declared war on France for illegal occupation.

Short Answer Questions

1. What mineral, almost absent in the USA, is necessary to make aluminum?

2. What was the key to success in the sugar industry?

3. What great mathematical principle did the Mayans discover before any other people in history?

4. What do miners chew to counteract some effects of working in the tin mines?

5. What Spanish city was reconquered in 1492 under the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella?

(see the answer keys)

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