Only the Good Spy Young Test | Final Test - Easy

Ally Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Only the Good Spy Young Test | Final Test - Easy

Ally Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the girls asked when they return to the house?
(a) Did they see any Circle agents.
(b) Where have they been.
(c) Have they seen Zach?
(d) Do they know where Rachel is?

2. What does Cammie decide the Blackthorne school used to be?
(a) A place for smugglers to hide their goods.
(b) A school for assassins.
(c) A school for double agents.
(d) A pirates den.

3. What does Cammie comment about the security measures in the sub-levels?
(a) They do not exist.
(b) She has the keys for disarming them.
(c) They are rigged to go off if the level is infiltrated.
(d) She is not sure which ones are lethal.

4. Why is Mr. Smith wandering the school?
(a) He is looking for Cammie.
(b) He is going home.
(c) He is tailing a suspected spy.
(d) He is making an unexpected patrol.

5. What does Zach tell Cammie Solomon said?
(a) There is a book Solomon needs Cammie to read.
(b) He has gone to find her father.
(c) He wants to marry her mother.
(d) He will be in touch with her in two days.

6. With what is the room where Solomon is being questioned lined?
(a) Explosives.
(b) Circle agents.
(c) Bookcases.
(d) Weapons.

7. What kind of engine does the vehicle/boat in question 100 have?
(a) A hydro-cell engine.
(b) An enhanced-milleage engine.
(c) An old Volkswagon engine.
(d) An engine that uses jet fuel.

8. What does Zach say about why the Circle wants Cammie?
(a) They think it will bring her father out of hiding.
(b) He does not know why they want her.
(c) To drug her and find out something she knows that she does not know she heard.
(d) To blackmail her mother.

9. What surprises Cammie about Townsend's plans for their next class?
(a) He plans to lead them on a secret mission.
(b) He plans to cancel class.
(c) He has not plans of which Cammie is aware.
(d) He plans to take them off campus.

10. Where does the employee who Cammie is following go?
(a) No where in particular.
(b) Off the park to a storage shed.
(c) To start working on a ride.
(d) To the food mart.

11. What do the girls do immediately upon return to the surface?
(a) Run for the house.
(b) Hide the journal.
(c) Run for the garage.
(d) Hide in the woods.

12. What does Townsend tell Cammie about Rachel?
(a) She told him to bring Cammie to the basement.
(b) She has been called away.
(c) She is asleep.
(d) She is at the hospital.

13. Where was Morgan supposed to meet a contact on his and Solomon's mission?
(a) Greece.
(b) France.
(c) Washington.
(d) England.

14. What is in a large cavern Zach and Cammie enter?
(a) Mannequins with targets painted on them.
(b) A large table and chairs with a computer screen.
(c) Dead, stuffed animals.
(d) Maps of the world.

15. What do the Gallagher girls find when they climb a tower?
(a) A prison cell.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Solomon's journal.
(d) A secret entrance.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Smith say to Cammie about Solomon?

2. Who tackles Solomon?

3. What does Zach say about the security on the sub-levels?

4. What distracts Liz and Macey when they get into the basement?

5. What does Rachel demand to know?

(see the answer keys)

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