On War Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On War Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What can one do with a small force according to Clausewitz?
(a) Use it as a scout.
(b) Integrate it to a larger force.
(c) Attack a small objective.
(d) Defense.

2. What is suspension of action in war usually a sign of according to Clausewitz?
(a) Troop movement.
(b) Negotiation.
(c) Troop buildup.
(d) Peace.

3. What does Clausewitz suggest be done with territories not immediately adjacent to one's country?
(a) Annex them.
(b) Release them come winter.
(c) Hold on to them no matter what.
(d) Burn everything down.

4. What does Clausewitz say about holding new territories?
(a) It is easy to do for a large army.
(b) The country needs to appoint a governor as quickly as possible.
(c) Martial law is a necessity.
(d) They need to be adjacent to an attacker's normal theatre of operation.

5. What possibility does a good defensive position offer the general in charge according to Clausewitz?
(a) To wait for the enemy indefinitely.
(b) To rest the troops.
(c) To launch a powerful offensive.
(d) To retreat quickly.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Clausewitz say he is trying to do in Book 3, Chapter 2?

2. What topic appears in the last few chapters of On War?

3. What do nations usually focus on according to Clausewitz?

4. What is better than wasting or leaving forces idle according to Clausewitz?

5. What is the French definition of an invasion according to Clausewitz?

Short Essay Questions

1. What building does Clausewitz say is particularly important in military campaigns?

2. What does Clausewitz think of the concentration of forces?

3. What does Clausewitz say of the attack strength?

4. What does Clausewitz says tempers his own view on the superiority of defense?

5. Who does Clausewitz argue are more prone to self-sacrifice?

6. Why did the Jews, in the example given by Clausewitz to illustrate his vision on holding terrain, not form a strong country?

7. What does Clausewitz say about holding on to conquered terrain?

8. What does Clausewitz' experience teach him concerning the use of tactics by high ranking officers?

9. How does Clausewitz define defense?

10. What does Clausewitz say about the priorities in war?

(see the answer keys)

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