On War Test | Final Test - Easy

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On War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Clausewitz say defensive attitudes and position are for?
(a) For weak armies.
(b) To provide a base for future attacks.
(c) For poorly equipped countries.
(d) Self preservation.

2. What does Clausewitz' experience teach him about war and their similarities?
(a) Military geniuses are always involved.
(b) They are all different.
(c) They are identical.
(d) They all start the same way.

3. What is the top priority of each side during a battle according to Clausewitz?
(a) To hold the line whatever happens.
(b) To destroy the enemy.
(c) To break the enemy's morale.
(d) To preserve own's fighting force.

4. What topic appears in the last few chapters of On War?
(a) The use of large cavalry groups.
(b) The use of artillery techniques.
(c) The use of limited aims in war.
(d) Information gathering.

5. How does Clausewitz characterize harboring reserve troops when they should be used to their fullest?
(a) Counter productive.
(b) Unimaginable.
(c) The mark of a genius.
(d) Good judgement.

6. Why is the offensive party's line of thinking only concerned with the attack according to Clausewitz?
(a) He can boast completeness.
(b) Attack is usually an all in move.
(c) Attack minded generals are not smart enough for multi-level thinking.
(d) Attack is more simple.

7. Who is Clausewitz' favorite enemy General?
(a) Caesar.
(b) Frederick the Great.
(c) Leopold.
(d) Napoleon.

8. According to Clausewitz, what is typically not decisive in a long term conflict?
(a) Large number of cavalry.
(b) One successful surprise attack.
(c) Accurate firearms.
(d) A good General.

9. Why does Clausewitz says the attacking force loses strength as it goes deeper into enemy territory?
(a) Loss of soldiers.
(b) Hatred from the enemy's population
(c) Loss of morale.
(d) Separation in resources and delays in getting reinforcements.

10. What does Clausewitz say he is trying to do in Book 3, Chapter 2?
(a) To stop writing and start teaching.
(b) To create a new concept from previously described basics.
(c) To demand a promotion for his work.
(d) To critique concepts by other authors.

11. Why would an ally stop its help according to Clausewitz?
(a) If the needs of the ally country is too great for them to fulfill.
(b) If other allies need their help.
(c) If the enemy invades.
(d) If the enemy bribes them.

12. When is initiative more helpful according to Clausewitz?
(a) In defense.
(b) In attack.
(c) In tactic.
(d) In strategy.

13. How is the majority of time in war spent according to Clausewitz?
(a) Training and exercising.
(b) Idle.
(c) Cleaning weapons.
(d) Fighting battles.

14. What does Clausewitz say can be challenging to do during a particular campaign?
(a) Defend.
(b) Surrender.
(c) Wait.
(d) Attack.

15. What construction method does Clausewitz use as a metaphor for holding new territories?
(a) Tile laying.
(b) Concrete pouring.
(c) Wall building.
(d) Roof building.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is more important than acquiring territory according to Clausewitz?

2. What can attack and defense be transformed into according to Clausewitz?

3. What part of the population does Clausewitz say have self sacrifice implanted in their psyche?

4. How does Clausewitz call the advantage a defense army has over an offensive army?

5. According to Clausewitz, what does the power of the attack and the defense do over time?

(see the answer keys)

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