On War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What can attack and defense be transformed into according to Clausewitz?
(a) Into an all in situation.
(b) Into pure attack.
(c) Into chaos.
(d) Their opposites.

2. What does Clausewitz say is happening to Imperial expansion?
(a) Russia is entering the race for colonies.
(b) It is losing favor.
(c) It is doubling in intensity.
(d) It is becoming too expensive.

3. How does Clausewitz characterize harboring reserve troops when they should be used to their fullest?
(a) Good judgement.
(b) Counter productive.
(c) The mark of a genius.
(d) Unimaginable.

4. What is, in a large part, intuitive according to Clausewitz?
(a) Fear and self-preservation.
(b) Effective military leadership.
(c) Courage.
(d) Joining another army.

5. What does Clausewitz say about holding new territories?
(a) It is easy to do for a large army.
(b) Martial law is a necessity.
(c) The country needs to appoint a governor as quickly as possible.
(d) They need to be adjacent to an attacker's normal theatre of operation.

6. What complements each method of defense according to Clausewitz in Book 5, Chapter 1?
(a) A perfect general.
(b) A perfect defensive weapon.
(c) A perfect troop placement.
(d) A perfect method of attack.

7. What does Clausewitz call the area where military action occurs?
(a) The field of battle.
(b) The theatre of operations.
(c) The operating area.
(d) The battlefield.

8. What is more important than acquiring territory according to Clausewitz?
(a) Aquiring new technology.
(b) Retention of territory.
(c) Spend as little money on war as possible.
(d) Aquiring resources.

9. What does Clausewitz compare countries who send soldiers to help allies to?
(a) Good neighbors.
(b) War mongers.
(c) Friends.
(d) Opportunists.

10. What reason does Clausewitz give for the way the majority of the time in war is spent?
(a) To rest the troops.
(b) To move the troops from one battlefield to the other.
(c) The strategy demands it.
(d) To set up defenses.

11. What possibility does a good defensive position offer the general in charge according to Clausewitz?
(a) To rest the troops.
(b) To launch a powerful offensive.
(c) To wait for the enemy indefinitely.
(d) To retreat quickly.

12. Who does Clausewitz say attacked Prussia twice 20 years ago?
(a) Russia.
(b) France.
(c) Italy.
(d) England.

13. What is pivotal to successful offensive aims according to Clausewitz?
(a) Good communication.
(b) Large number of firearms.
(c) Speed.
(d) Physical and moral superiority.

14. What is required to achieve the destruction of the enemy according to Clausewitz in Book 6, Chapter 1?
(a) Deception.
(b) Good diplomacy.
(c) A large army.
(d) Battles.

15. According to Clausewitz, what is decision outside the realm of strategy?
(a) Tactical mastery.
(b) Casual force.
(c) Luck.
(d) Diplomacy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Clausewitz say defensive attitudes and position are for?

2. What is the most prominent form of defensive tactics according to Clausewitz?

3. What does Clausewitz say about the use of the forces available in Book 3, Chapter 2?

4. Why does Clausewitz says the attacking force loses strength as it goes deeper into enemy territory?

5. What is the Russian front famous for according to Clausewitz?

(see the answer keys)

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