On Beauty and Being Just Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Elaine Scarry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Beauty and Being Just Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Elaine Scarry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Voroccio important to Da Vinci?
(a) He tutored under Da Vinci.
(b) He had an affair with Da Vinci.
(c) He inspired Da Vinci.
(d) He was a father figure to Da Vinci.

2. What bird did Scarry see in a tree that shocked her?
(a) An owl.
(b) An eagle.
(c) A mockingbird.
(d) A crow.

3. What led to Proust's desire to stay somewhere the rest of his life?
(a) The pride of creating beauty.
(b) The effects of beauty on him.
(c) The need to be near beauty.
(d) The anger of not being beautiful.

4. Who disavows the virtues of beauty?
(a) Those who have no beauty.
(b) Those who are selfish.
(c) Those who are afraid.
(d) Those who hoard beauty.

5. What is the title of the second section of this book?
(a) "Beauty Prompts Some Inner Workings."
(b) "Beauty Prompts Praise of Itself."
(c) "Beauty Prompts a Battle Within."
(d) "Beauty Prompts a Copy of Itself."

6. What is "The Painter and His Model, Studio Interior" about?
(a) The cause of art.
(b) The beauty of nature.
(c) The act of painting.
(d) The artist's lifestyle.

7. What kind of book is this?
(a) Historical.
(b) Hypnotical.
(c) Self Help.
(d) Philosophical.

8. Whom did Odysseus visit?
(a) Nausicaa.
(b) Niciria.
(c) Nice.
(d) Norad.

9. How does Scarry say education helps beauty?
(a) It brings out the inner beauty.
(b) It has continual creation.
(c) It teaches other to be lovely.
(d) It stops people from settling for ugliness.

10. What does Scarry say about things that once were beautiful but change?
(a) They show use ourselves.
(b) They confuse the ideas of beauty.
(c) All of these.
(d) They are hard on the heart.

11. What does Scarry say the general attitude about beauty indicates in society?
(a) The strange directional challenges.
(b) The need for religion.
(c) The worsening of morals.
(d) The pliancy of consciousness.

12. What does Scarry say marked works created imperfectly?
(a) The desire to attempt creation.
(b) The need for beauty.
(c) The need for impulses.
(d) The desire to reach perfection.

13. When does Scarry say beauty is not sacred?
(a) When it is mortal.
(b) When it is corrupted.
(c) When it is immortal.
(d) When it is used for evil.

14. What is Scarry's first conclusion about Odysseus's visit?
(a) Beauty is sacred if it is mortal.
(b) Beauty is life saving.
(c) Beauty is new.
(d) Beauty is sacred if it is immortal.

15. What does Scarry say about things that were once ugly and then appear beautiful?
(a) They can be pleasant surprises.
(b) They are revelatory moments.
(c) They show long hidden truth.
(d) They are worse than beautiful things going ugly.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Scarry prove her ideas about beauty?

2. What replaces the paint brush for part of The Morning Session?

3. Why does Scarry think Matisse will reach more people than her?

4. Where did Scarry first see beauty in a certain tree?

5. Where did Scarry find a motif?

(see the answer keys)

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