Old Yeller Test | Final Test - Easy

Fred Gipson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Old Yeller Test | Final Test - Easy

Fred Gipson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mama say about Lisbeth staying with her?
(a) She thinks Lisbeth is too young to be away from home.
(b) She says that Lisbeth can milk the cows.
(c) She says Lisbeth can sleep in the dog run.
(d) She thinks Lisbeth won't be any help.

2. How does Mama clean Travis' wound?
(a) She washes it with hot water and then poured turpentine on it.
(b) She washes it with hot water and then poured salt in it.
(c) She washes it with hot water and then poured iodine on it.
(d) She washes it with hot water and then poured hot candle wax on it.

3. What does Mama say when Travis gets home and tells her about Old Yeller?
(a) She tells Travis they can't go to Old Yeller until Travis' wound is cleaned up.
(b) She tells Travis that they will leave right away to go back to Old Yeller.
(c) She tells Travis that Old Yeller is probably dead already.
(d) She tells Travis that they will have to wait until the next day to go back to Old Yeller.

4. What does the puppy look like that Lisbeth shows to Travis?
(a) He is gray with blue spots.
(b) He is dirty white and speckled with blue spots.
(c) He is yellow like Old Yeller.
(d) He is brown with white spots.

5. What is the trouble that Travis thinks is too big for any of them to handle?
(a) The Spot heifer comes home acting crazy and ignores her calf.
(b) The Spot heifer is injured.
(c) The chickens have gone wild.
(d) There is a bear in the corn.

6. Why does Bud Searcy leave Lisbeth behind with Mama?
(a) He leaves her to take care of Old Yeller.
(b) He leaves her because she isn't much help to him.
(c) He leaves her because she is annoying him.
(d) He leaves her to help Mama while Travis is recuperating.

7. What do Travis and Mama first think Spot ate?
(a) Prickly pears.
(b) Pea vine.
(c) Loco weed.
(d) Rotten sweet potatoes.

8. What does Mama use to give water to Old Yeller?
(a) Travis' hat.
(b) Her hat.
(c) A cowhide sack.
(d) Her purse.

9. How does Mama sew up Old Yeller's wound?
(a) She uses a thread pulled from her dress.
(b) She uses a piece of rawhide.
(c) She uses a hair from Jumper's tail.
(d) She brought her thread with her.

10. What does Old Yeller do when Travis reaches for him?
(a) Old Yeller loses consciousness.
(b) Old Yeller licks his hand.
(c) Old Yeller lunges at him with bared fangs.
(d) Old Yeller whimpers in pain.

11. What does Travis decide is a good place to shoot Spot?
(a) The bottom of a gorge.
(b) A dry, sandy wash.
(c) A mud pool.
(d) Near the river.

12. Why does Travis hate gathering corn?
(a) It is hot work and the corn shucks sting and makes the skin itch.
(b) It is a child's job.
(c) It is woman's work.
(d) It is boring work.

13. What condition is Travis in when he returns home after shooting Spot?
(a) He is angry that Spot got hydrophobia.
(b) He feels stronger than he has in a long time.
(c) He is weak, sweating, and trembling.
(d) He is sad and upset.

14. What type of hog hangs out with the sows to protect them?
(a) Shoats.
(b) Range hogs.
(c) Bar' hogs.
(d) Boar.

15. What does Mama tell Little Arliss to do as she is about to remove Old Yeller's bandage?
(a) She tells Arliss to go play at the river.
(b) She tells Arliss to go catch her a green-striped lizard.
(c) She tells Arliss to wait over by Jumper.
(d) She tells Arliss to catch her a big frog for dinner.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the hogs do if a blizzard is on the way?

2. What does Travis do to the hydrophobia stricken animal?

3. Why doesn't Mama want the buzzards to eat the dead animal?

4. How do the pigs react when Old Yeller and Travis find them?

5. How does Travis hide Old Yeller while he runs home to get help?

(see the answer keys)

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