Of Love and Other Demons Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Of Love and Other Demons Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who, upon her arrival, takes a special interest in Sierva?
(a) The Marquis's third wife.
(b) The Vicereine.
(c) The Viceroy's mistress.
(d) The Abbess's sister.

2. What realization does Bernarda make in chapter four?
(a) She has abused Sierva.
(b) She is dying soon.
(c) She loves her daughter.
(d) Sierva is gone.

3. What does the Abbess list off as signs of Sierva's demonic powers to Cayetano?
(a) The behavior of the birds and plants.
(b) Her odd-colored eyes.
(c) Her strange voices.
(d) The smells from her cell.

4. What fictional character is associated with the book that Dr. Abrenuncio gives to Cayetano?
(a) Falstaff.
(b) Don Quixote.
(c) Don Juan DeMarco.
(d) Macbeth.

5. How old is Father Cayetano?
(a) Twenty-six.
(b) Thirty-six.
(c) Forty-six.
(d) Fifty-six.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the rank of the nuns who abandon Sierva when she first arrives at the convent?

2. What skill does Martina teach Sierva?

3. At the end of chapter four, what does Sierva refuse to do?

4. What does Cayetano tell Sierva in chapter four to comfort her?

5. In the Governor's dinner for the Viceroy, what is the entertainment?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Father Cayetano's dream in chapter three?

2. What is significant about the book Cayetano speaks of to Dr. Abrenuncio?

3. What memory is brought back for Cayetano while writing love poems in Chapter 4?

4. What does the Abbess complain about to the Bishop in Chapter 4?

5. Why does the Vicereine take an interest in Sierva's fate?

6. Why does Chapter 4 end with Cayetano whipping himself?

7. What does the Bishop claim about maintaining faith to the Viceroy?

8. How does Cayetano gain Sierva's trust?

9. What happens to Cayetano during the eclipse?

10. Describe the convent.

(see the answer keys)

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