Oedipus the King Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Oedipus the King Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Creon say has caused the disasters to the town?

2. What does Oedipus say he has to fear from Laius' murderer?

3. What deal does Oedipus offer the murderer if he gives himself in?

4. Why does Oedipus ask Creon to speak in front of the townspeople?

5. What does the chorus say about human prophets?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why are the people of Thebes reluctant to think Oedipus guilty of a crime?

2. What is Teiresias referring to when he says Oedipus and his children will be "equals"?

3. How does Oedipus respond to the townspeople's pleas for help?

4. Why doesn't Creon immediately tell Oedipus his news?

5. What troubles have affected the people of Thebes?

6. What does Oedipus wish for any townspeople who don't obey his orders?

7. Why is Oedipus concerned about Creon at the beginning of the play?

8. Explain the irony of Teiresias' blindness.

9. Describe what the people of Thebes have with them at the beginning of the play.

10. Describe the message that Creon brings from the oracle.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss the characters' intentions in their actions and their responsibility for the bad consequences.

1) What is Oedipus' intention in fleeing Corinth? Does Oedipus have any control over the unintended consequences of his actions?

2) What was the shepherd's intention in saving Oedipus? Is Oedipus right or wrong in condemning him at the end of the play?

3) To what extent is each character responsible for the tragic happening? Does the level of responsibility have anything to do with the characters' intentions?

Essay Topic 2

In OEDIPUS THE KING, much of the action takes place offstage or in different times, and is retold by the characters and messengers. Discuss how this affects the play.

1) How is hearing about Jocasta's suicide from the second messenger a different experience than seeing it?

2) How is hearing Oeidpus retell the story of meeting Laius on the road different from seeing it?

3) How effective is it for Oedipus to come on stage with his eyes gouged out at the end of the play? Is it more affecting since most of the violence of the play takes place offstage?

4) What other effects does the action taking place offstage have on the play?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss justice in the play.

1) What acts in the play call for retribution by the gods? Why are these acts singled out? What makes an act call for justice?

2) Are the gods in the play just or unjust? Does Oedipus truly deserve punishment?

3) How does a ruler mete out justice? Is Oedipus a just ruler? What qualities in a ruler promote justice? Use examples from the play.

(see the answer keys)

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