Oedipus the King Test | Final Test - Easy

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Oedipus the King Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the messenger's profession when he found the infant Oedipus?
(a) priest
(b) tailor
(c) shepherd
(d) farmer

2. What nationality does Oedipus say the mother who raised him was?
(a) Aeolian
(b) Dorain
(c) Ionian
(d) Macedonian

3. What does Oedipus say that he still fears, after hearing the news of Polybus' death?
(a) the wrath of Apollo
(b) the plague on the land
(c) wedding his mother
(d) Creon's treachery

4. What does Oedipus ask about Polybus' death?
(a) whether his mother knows of the death
(b) what time of day he died
(c) what the cause of his death was
(d) what Polybus said before his death

5. What made Oedipus angry, when he encountered the stranger's carriage on the road?
(a) The stranger asked Oedipus why he had left his parents' home.
(b) The stranger's entourage tried to arrest Oedipus for being a vagrant on the road.
(c) The stranger and his entourage tried to force Oedipus off the road.
(d) The stranger insulted Oedipus as they passed each other.

6. What simile does Jocasta use to describe the people of Thebes?
(a) like people on a ship who see the helmsman is afraid
(b) like soldiers who see their commander slain
(c) like children who see their father's fear
(d) like people in a carriage who see the driver terrified

7. How long would the shepherds stay in the fields each year?
(a) three months
(b) nine months
(c) six months
(d) one month

8. What does Oedipus ask, when Jocasta tells Oedipus the messenger's news?
(a) He asks a servant to bring Creon to him.
(b) He asks the messenger to tell him the news himself.
(c) He asks Jocasta to leave him and go to the palace.
(d) He asks a servant to bring Teiresias to him.

9. When Jocasta begs him to stop his investigation and runs off, how does Oedipus say he feels about potentially discovering something bad about his natural parents?
(a) Oedipus believes that his natural family will turn out to be even better than his adopted one.
(b) Oedipus is afraid that if he finds out his true heritage, the people may not want him as king.
(c) Oedipus is afraid that he will find out that the prophecy is already fulfilled.
(d) Oedipus is not concerned and wants to know his true origin.

10. What does Creon say Oedipus can do, if he finds proof Creon's lying?
(a) arrest Creon and sentence him to death
(b) banish Creon from the kingdom forever
(c) kill Creon before his sister's eyes
(d) cut Creon's throat then and there

11. What possible explanation does the chorus leader give for Oedipus' charge against Creon?
(a) Oedipus was mislead by Teiresias.
(b) Creon is being framed.
(c) Oedipus was angry.
(d) Creon was guilty.

12. Who first sees the old shepherd approaching?
(a) Oedipus
(b) the messenger
(c) Jocasta
(d) the chorus

13. What does Oedipus ask Creon about Teiresias?
(a) how long Teiresias has lived in Thebes
(b) why Teiresias didn't give the identity of Laius' murderer at the time of the death
(c) whether Teiresias makes a profit from the town because of his prophesies
(d) how long Teiresias has been blind

14. How does the messenger say Jocasta will feel about his news?
(a) both glad and sad
(b) sad and regretful
(c) enraged
(d) glad and happy

15. Where did the old shepherd grow up?
(a) in a poor house in Thebes
(b) in Laius' house
(c) in Corinth
(d) in a distant village

Short Answer Questions

1. Does the chorus leader recognize the approaching shepherd?

2. What does Creon deny that he has a desire to do?

3. Why does the messenger tell Oedipus he is not Polybus' son?

4. Does Oedipus want to see the person the messenger says gave him the infant Oedipus?

5. How does Oedipus react to the chorus' pleas?

(see the answer keys)

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