The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Ralph believe they can take revenge on Nicholas?
(a) By marrying Kate.
(b) By catching him and having him put in jail.
(c) By finding the person who took the deed, taking the deed from her, and destroying it.
(d) By stealing his inheritance.

2. How is London described?
(a) Dirty, sad, and lonely.
(b) Scary, dangerous, and daunting.
(c) Busy, crowded, and full of contrasts.
(d) Pleasant, friendly, and exciting.

3. What does Nicholas vow to stop at whatever the cost?
(a) Ralph.
(b) Kate's wedding.
(c) Gride.
(d) Madeline's wedding.

4. In his attic room, what does Squeers consider to himself?
(a) The decisions he has made.
(b) The poor choices he has made.
(c) The horrible things he has done.
(d) The manipulations of Ralph Nickleby that brought him there.

5. Who does Nicholas see as Mr. Charles introduces him to their clerk, Tim?
(a) His mother.
(b) A beautiful woman.
(c) His sister.
(d) His father.

6. What does Mrs. Grudden give Nicholas?
(a) A cake.
(b) A picture she had drawn of him.
(c) A present.
(d) A letter that she had forgotten to give him before.

7. How does Squeers encourage Peg into handing over the deed?
(a) He blackmails her.
(b) He seduces her.
(c) He bribes her.
(d) He threatens her.

8. After a chase, what happens to Peg, Squeers and the deed?
(a) They are all taken into custody.
(b) They are caught by Nicholas.
(c) They disappear.
(d) They escape.

9. Why does Nicholas travel through the poorest and most degraded section of London?
(a) To complete his errand for the Cheerybles.
(b) To see what life is like in this section of London.
(c) He is lost.
(d) To help the poor.

10. While passing a theatre on the way, what does Nicholas notice about it?
(a) It has closed.
(b) It is playing host to the Crummles Acting Company.
(c) It is performing his play.
(d) That his name is on the sign.

11. What has been causing Ralph to lose sleep?
(a) Noises in his home.
(b) He is not feeling well.
(c) A mysterious feeling.
(d) Stress.

12. What has happened within two weeks of the trip?
(a) Smike becomes too ill to move.
(b) Smike is depressed.
(c) Smike has died.
(d) Smike has become healthier.

13. After the men have gone, of what does Mrs. Wititterly accuse Kate?
(a) Stealing Hawk away from her.
(b) Not caring enough about wealth.
(c) Allowing a potential husband to walk out the door.
(d) Manipulating the situation in order to be alone with Hawk and thereby advance her position at the expense of the Wititterlys.

14. For what does Gride get ready?
(a) Nicholas' wedding to Madeline.
(b) His wedding to Madeline.
(c) Madeline's wedding to Ralph.
(d) His wedding to Kate.

15. Gride then asks Noggs to stay for a drink and proposes what?
(a) They leave town.
(b) They open a shop together.
(c) A toast to Madeline, his young bride-to-be.
(d) A toast to Ralph and Madeline.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mrs. Nickleby and Miss LaCreevy appear with luggage. To where are Kate and Mrs. Nickleby in the process of moving?

2. What does Squeers tell Ralph he will do if the police ask him what happened?

3. With what does Mr. Lillyvick arrive?

4. With whom does Nicholas meet at the tavern?

5. Why is Mr. Lenville, another senior actor, concerned?

(see the answer keys)

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