News of a Kidnapping Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

News of a Kidnapping Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In front of whom does Villamizar feel safe enough to drink?
(a) Andrés.
(b) Dr. Guerrero.
(c) Rafael Pardo.
(d) No one.

2. Where is Marina's body buried after it is found and autopsied?
(a) In a mass grave with other unidentified bodies.
(b) In the family cemetery plot.
(c) At a cemetery dedicated to martyrs.
(d) In the cemetery for the homeless.

3. Who is the first to be kidnapped in the string of related abductions?
(a) Diana Turbay.
(b) Marina Montoya.
(c) Francisco Santos.
(d) Melina Guevara.

4. Who is the first person freed?
(a) Richard Becerra.
(b) Juan Vitta.
(c) Marina Montoya.
(d) Hero Buss.

5. What finally gets Escobar to surrender?
(a) Decree 303.
(b) The Ochoa brothers threaten him.
(c) Nieves and Quintero are able to convince him.
(d) Escobar's daughter is taken hostage by the law.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Maruja give herself to keep her sanity?

2. What does Gaviria decide to do after the first hostage deaths?

3. Why do Orlando's wife and Richard's mother worry their relatives will be the first to die?

4. What becomes of the negotiations between the Notables and Escobar's negotiator for Santos and Turbay?

5. Maruja and Beatriz see who at their second hiding place?

Short Essay Questions

1. Guido Parra is no longer Escobar's negotiating lawyer and has dropped out of the picture. What happens to Guido Parra and why?

2. Describe Pacho as he tries to escape and what he feels when he fails.

3. During Maruja's and Beatriz' imprisonment, there is a time when the sub machine guns are available to the women. However, they both decide without a word that they will not use it to escape. Why would the women decide not to try and escape despite this opportunity?

4. Francisco Santos makes a mini-cassette to prove that he remains alive. Describe his character on the videotape and how it shows what Santos believes in.

5. How does Nydia feel about the rescue attempt before and after it occurs?

6. When Beatriz is released, Maruja is now the only prisoner. Describe Maruja's state after Beatriz is gone?

7. The large group of six hostages is the media group from Crìpton. At first, they are separated into groups of three, then two. What is the purpose of the separation if they remain in the same area?

8. Escobar promises to release Maruja and Pacho. There are various sources, but Villamizar is ecstatic. One reporter notes with surprise that Alberto can be so trusting. What makes this promise from Escobar believable despite previous promises?

9. Describe Marina Montoya's situation as it is introduced in Chapter One.

10. Marina is kidnapped three months prior to Maruja and Beatriz. Describe what Marina is going through by the time the other two women show up.

(see the answer keys)

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