News of a Kidnapping Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

News of a Kidnapping Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Beatriz when Maruja sees her on television?
(a) On Alexandra's program.
(b) In a public speech with Hernando Santos.
(c) In Maruja's home.
(d) In Beatriz's home.

2. What does Maruja threaten to do if she does not receive a radio and television?
(a) To yell at the top of her lungs.
(b) Stop talking to the majordomo and Damaris.
(c) Stop taking her medicines.
(d) Stop eating.

3. What is Escobar's main negotiation issue with only Maruja and Pacho left as hostages?
(a) Security of his money while he is imprisoned.
(b) The safety of the Medellín boys in the slums.
(c) A prison he is willing to surrender to.
(d) Safety of his family when he surrenders.

4. What opportunity for possible freedom arises when Gorilla is having chest pains?
(a) Gorilla asks Maruja to find the majordomo for help.
(b) The second guard sends Beatriz to the pharmacy for medicine.
(c) The second guard asks for the women's help to bring Gorilla to the hospital.
(d) Maruja and Beatrix have access to submachine guns.

5. Who cries for Marina's absence the first night she is gone?
(a) Damaris.
(b) Maruja.
(c) Monk.
(d) Beatriz.

6. What mysteriously arrives at Villamizar's door after life has seemingly returned to normal?
(a) Maruja's purse.
(b) Maruja's rings.
(c) A letter from Escobar.
(d) A letter from Escobar's mother.

7. What message do the Santos' send Pacho in "El Tiempo" when they hear he will be released soon?
(a) A family picture of Hernando with Pacho's wife and kids.
(b) An article about keeping hope alive.
(c) A picture of Pacho's family in his home with a spot saved for him.
(d) A column about freedom.

8. What concerns Escobar when watching "God's Minute"?
(a) Father Herreros condemns the Medellín boys for killing police officers.
(b) Father Herreros announces his retirement from the show.
(c) Father Herreros apparently calls Escobar an unrepentant pornographer.
(d) Father Herreros condemns Escobar's followers for not being able to think for themselves.

9. Where do the police believe Maruja is located?
(a) In the city of Medellín.
(b) Near the border of Ecuador.
(c) Among the jungle farmlands outside of Medellín.
(d) In the city of Bogotá.

10. What is Maruja's reaction to the communiqué concerning her impending release?
(a) She is in shock.
(b) She is ecstatic.
(c) She does not believe it to be true.
(d) She is doubtful.

11. What is one thing that can break Maruja's bond with the nicer set of guards?
(a) Her inability to play Nintendo.
(b) Her zealous religiousness.
(c) Her judging character.
(d) Her atheism.

12. What stops Andrés from seeing his mother immediately?
(a) Lots of car troubles.
(b) A police checkpoint stops him from going further.
(c) His anxiety.
(d) He has to fight his way through a throng of reporters.

13. What causes Damaris to leave the house?
(a) She leaves with the children to visit her ailing mother.
(b) The majordomo pushes her out a window.
(c) The guards are too drunk and rowdy for her.
(d) She is appalled at the treatment of Maruja.

14. When Maruja is to be released, how much advance notice is she given?
(a) 24 hours.
(b) Several hours.
(c) Five minutes.
(d) There is no warning.

15. When is the only time Pacho Santos is required to remain quiet?
(a) At every 7:30 evening news.
(b) When Escobar calls the house to check on the guards.
(c) When the landlady comes by for the monthly rent.
(d) When an important futbol game is on.

Short Answer Questions

1. When is the selected day for Maruja's and Pacho's release?

2. Who goes through a social change from a fearful victim to public star?

3. What remark does Escobar say about "Colombia Wants Them Back"?

4. What does Pacho want to take with him from his hostage hideout?

5. How does don Fabio receive Villamizar's request for help?

(see the answer keys)

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