News of a Kidnapping Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

News of a Kidnapping Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Maruja's reaction to the communiqué concerning her impending release?
(a) She is in shock.
(b) She is ecstatic.
(c) She is doubtful.
(d) She does not believe it to be true.

2. When Escobar first begins his business with the drug cartel, how do the people of Medellín view them?
(a) They look at him as their Robin Hood.
(b) With curiosity but complacency.
(c) They are afraid to say anything.
(d) They are angry at the rise in crime.

3. What do the nicer guards ask of Maruja when she leaves?
(a) That she pray for them to get out of their bad lives.
(b) That she uses this experience to give back to the poor.
(c) That she watches over her sons.
(d) That she visits them in Medellín sometime.

4. Who cries for Marina's absence the first night she is gone?
(a) Maruja.
(b) Beatriz.
(c) Monk.
(d) Damaris.

5. When Maruja is to be released, how much advance notice is she given?
(a) Several hours.
(b) There is no warning.
(c) 24 hours.
(d) Five minutes.

6. How does don Fabio receive Villamizar's request for help?
(a) Don Fabio immediately refuses involvement.
(b) Don Fabio completely supports him.
(c) Don Fabio is hesitant that Alberto is the right man.
(d) Don Fabio believes Escobar will no longer listen to his advice.

7. How does Beatriz find out about Marina's death?
(a) Beatriz hears it on the evening news.
(b) Dr. Guerrero tells Beatriz he is happy she did not end up like Marina.
(c) Beatriz asks for Marina's phone number.
(d) Beatriz asks her guards in the car.

8. In 1991, about how many murders occurs in Medellín each day?
(a) 10.
(b) 20.
(c) 12.
(d) 15.

9. What happens that gives Pacho an opportunity to escape?
(a) All the guards leave him to watch a futbol championship game.
(b) A night guard passes out before he can chain Pacho to the bed.
(c) A guard unknowingly drops a knife under Pacho's bed.
(d) Pacho sees a weak spot in the bathroom window that he believes he can break through.

10. What does Alberto personally offer in exchange for Maruja's freedom?
(a) A personal talk with President Gaviria.
(b) Himself.
(c) To support Escobar's family when he goes to prison.
(d) A personal prison in Itagüí.

11. What surprise do the reporters and Pacho's family get when they see Pacho?
(a) He is fatter and more spirited than expected.
(b) He is more broken in spirit than expected.
(c) He is in tears despite his known stoicism.
(d) He is speechless despite his known loquaciousness.

12. What causes Damaris to leave the house?
(a) The majordomo pushes her out a window.
(b) She leaves with the children to visit her ailing mother.
(c) She is appalled at the treatment of Maruja.
(d) The guards are too drunk and rowdy for her.

13. What dilemma do judges often face in Medellín?
(a) Comply with a law that allows drug traffickers free or overstep their power and imprison them.
(b) Let a drug trafficker free or allow his family to be killed.
(c) Threats to buy into drug traffickers' bribes or be killed.
(d) Uphold the law and send family members to prison or quit the position.

14. What stops Maruja's thoughts of an escape through the courtyard?
(a) Two guards now take walks with her instead of just Damaris.
(b) The German shepherd is trained to bark at her.
(c) The man in black Marina once saw is real to Maruja.
(d) She sees an armed guard right outside.

15. Where does Alberto go to visit the Ochoa brothers?
(a) Itagüí prison.
(b) Martha Nieves' home.
(c) Envigado.
(d) Don Fabio's home.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Father Herreros start his involvement concerning Escobar?

2. What is the reason for the numerous checkpoints seen around the city as Beatriz is driven to her release point?

3. What does the government decide to turn into a prison for Escobar?

4. Why does Villamizar want to meet Escobar?

5. What do Gloria Pachon and Villamizar ask of the police?

(see the answer keys)

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