Never Let Me Go Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Never Let Me Go Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In chapter 14, what are the office workers doing when Rodney points out Ruth's possible?
(a) Studying books.
(b) Eating lunch.
(c) Preparing to go home.
(d) Working at computers.

2. To where does Ruth and her friends follow the possible from the office in chapter 14?
(a) A hospital.
(b) A gym.
(c) A dog park.
(d) A gallery.

3. What billboard does the narrator point out in chapter 19 that she hopes will remind Tommy and Ruth of their trip to Norfolk?
(a) A picture of an office setting.
(b) A picture of a hotel.
(c) A picture of a set of cottages.
(d) A picture of a beach resort.

4. In chapter 16, why does the narrator feel she must apologize to Ruth?
(a) She wants to use Ruth to get close to Tommy.
(b) She feels guilty.
(c) She is socially desperate for Ruth's friendship.
(d) She wants to make peace.

5. What is the Black Barn?
(a) A bar where the clones hang out.
(b) A building where supplies are stored.
(c) A restaurant near the Cottages.
(d) A building at the Cottages.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the narrator say the trip to Norfolk was nearly called off at the beginning of chapter 13?

2. What promise does the narrator make to Ruth after her second donation in chapter 19?

3. In chapter 15, who is first to find the Judy Bridgewater tape?

4. In chapter 16, where does Ruth suggest she might one day like to take a trip to?

5. Why do Rodney and Chrissie believe the students from Hailsham might know about deferrals?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Kathy constantly allow Ruth to indulge her fantasies even when she knows she is wrong?

2. In chapter 15, who does Rodney and Chrissie want to visit that Kathy refuses to see? For what reason?

3. In chapter 12, what fantasy does Ruth develop after learning where her possible works?

4. In chapter 17, what changes does Kathy note about the Cottages after her rift with Ruth and Tommy?

5. In chapter 16, what does Kathy tell the reader she had thought she and Tommy might do after the trip to Norfolk, but never did?

6. In chapter 12, why do Rodney and Chrissie invite Ruth to go on a trip to Norfolk with them? Who else will be going?

7. What has Tommy begun to draw after the trip to Norfolk? What does Kathy initially think of these drawings?

8. What does Ruth admit to Kathy in chapter 19 that she believes should have happened in their past and that she actively attempted to prevent?

9. What does Tommy tell Kathy in chapter 15 that he believes are the purpose of the art they were encouraged to do at Hailsham?

10. What warning does Ruth offer to Kathy in chapter 17 should she ever want to pursue a relationship with Tommy?

(see the answer keys)

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