Neighbor Rosicky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Neighbor Rosicky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rosicky hope for his boys?
(a) That they will have many children.
(b) That they can get through without knowing much about the cruelty of human beings.
(c) That they will never need his farm.
(d) That they will marry beautiful women.

2. What does Rosicky want his boys to do after he is gone?
(a) He wants them to all marry rich women.
(b) He wants them to "be here" and to work his land.
(c) He wants them to become famous.
(d) He wants them to become factory workers.

3. What does Rudolph feel sorry about doing "this year"?
(a) Not growing enough corn.
(b) Yelling at Rosicky.
(c) Selling his horse.
(d) Getting married.

4. Where will Rosicky stand to watch the boys plowing the fields?
(a) The fence corner.
(b) The front porch.
(c) Inside by the front window.
(d) By the windmill.

5. What has lodged into the alfalfa field?
(a) Russian thistle plants.
(b) Rosemary plants.
(c) Prickle plants.
(d) Wheat sprouts.

6. What does Rosicky ask Mary to do for him before she goes to feed the chickens?
(a) Thread needles.
(b) Sing a song.
(c) Bring him coffee.
(d) Fetch his shoes.

7. Whom does Polly think loves her the most in the world?
(a) Mary.
(b) Rudolph.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Rosicky.

8. What kind of woman does Rosicky find terrifying and horrible?
(a) A smart and beautiful woman.
(b) A short and rich woman.
(c) A scheming and rapacious woman.
(d) A malicious and smart woman.

9. What does Rosicky take out of his pants pocket to give to Rudolph?
(a) A silver dollar.
(b) The car keys.
(c) A book.
(d) A photograph.

10. What does Rosicky sit inside working on in Part 5?
(a) A coat for Polly.
(b) Making over a coat for John.
(c) A shawl for Mary.
(d) Shelves for the house.

11. What was the worst things Rosicky had come upon in his journey through the world?
(a) Lowly and cowardly people.
(b) Dirty and loud cities.
(c) Persuasive and gloating men and women.
(d) Depraved and poisonous specimens of man.

12. What does Mary set down in the middle of the group?
(a) A flower pot.
(b) A stack of laundry.
(c) Her darning basket.
(d) Dessert dishes.

13. What were there multitudes of in the tailor's home?
(a) Children.
(b) Flies.
(c) Fleas.
(d) Rats.

14. Who gave Mary the seeds of the Jerusalem cherry trees?
(a) Anton Rosicky.
(b) Dr. Ed.
(c) Polly.
(d) Josephine.

15. What was the name of the tailor that Rosicky meets?
(a) Lifschnitz.
(b) Ackers.
(c) Palmer.
(d) Lacy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color of geranium does Mary have in bloom for Christmas?

2. Who finds Rosicky lying on the floor?

3. What color eyes does Polly have?

4. Which month is as bitter as February?

5. When does the weather become very cold in Part 5?

(see the answer keys)

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