The Natural Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Natural Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens after Roy makes an important decision during the last inning of the pennant game?
(a) He strikes out.
(b) He sees Gus and Memo together in the stands.
(c) He sees Iris in the stands and waves.
(d) He asks Pop if he will give permission for him to marry Memo.

2. What does Roy tell Memo about his mother?
(a) He said that she was the perfect mother and that he loved her very much.
(b) He said that she died when he was a small toddler.
(c) He said that she ran away when he was a teen and he was angry with her.
(d) He said that she was a "whore" who spoiled his father's life.

3. Why does Memo tell Roy he should go see a fortune teller?
(a) To find out if they are meant for each other.
(b) Because Bump went to one.
(c) To find out what Roy needs to do to get over his slump.
(d) To find out if they will win the next game.

4. What advice does Red Blow, the trainer, give Roy when he is in his bad slump?
(a) To keep his fans in mind and try to please them.
(b) To forget Memo and drop her.
(c) To get married to Memo and quit trying to impress her.
(d) To consider what might be on his mind that is worrying him.

5. What does Max Mercy do to Roy that angers him so much?
(a) He prints a story about Roy's insecurities.
(b) He takes Memo away from Roy.
(c) He writes a negative news story about Roy.
(d) He prints a picture of Roy as a clown.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Pop say in Chapter 10 that makes Roy's decision even harder?

2. What does the doctor tell Roy when he is in the hospital?

3. Who is the pitcher that strikes Roy out in the pennant game?

4. What does Iris tell Roy when he accidentally hits her with a foul ball that goes into the stands?

5. What excuse does Memo give for shunning Roy when he was in his slump?

(see the answer keys)

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