The Natural Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Natural Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is in the bassoon case that Roy carries on the train?
(a) A set of tools.
(b) His bat.
(c) A bassoon.
(d) A rifle.

2. Who is Sam Simpson?
(a) Roy's father.
(b) Roy's professional scout.
(c) A newspaper reporter.
(d) A baseball pitcher.

3. What does Max Mercy find out about Roy at the beginning of Chapter 5?
(a) That he was denied a raise.
(b) That he really doesn't like baseball, but wants to make a name for himself.
(c) That he loves Memo.
(d) That he is responsible for Bump's death.

4. Why does Memo ride in the night with Roy without using headlights?
(a) She hates the light and loves darkness.
(b) They are trying to escape without being noticed.
(c) They need to conserve the car battery.
(d) She didn't know he had the lights off.

5. What does Memo brag to Roy about when they go on a ride one night?
(a) About how much Bump loved her.
(b) About her being a Beauty Queen.
(c) About how much money she has.
(d) About her wonderful car.

6. Who is the coach of the Brooklyn Knights when Roy Hobbs signs on?
(a) Sam Simpson.
(b) Red Blow.
(c) Max Mercy.
(d) Pop Fisher.

7. What happens to Pop due to Doc's influence?
(a) He gets hit by another player.
(b) He gets teased constantly.
(c) He gets fired.
(d) He wins a big game that helps his morale.

8. Where does The Judge get his money?
(a) No one knows.
(b) From players whom is he blackmailing.
(c) From ticket sales to Knights games.
(d) From gambling.

9. What is the relationship between Gus and Memo?
(a) She has not relationship with him at all.
(b) She says he is like a father to her.
(c) She is in love and plans to marry him.
(d) She hates him.

10. What two things does Roy crave that drives his every action?
(a) He craves the position of coach of the team.
(b) Lots of money and to be the best.
(c) He craves banana splits.
(d) He craves traveling around the country.

11. How does Harriet respond to Roy when he makes romantic advances toward her?
(a) She slaps his face.
(b) She reacts coldly.
(c) She is very tender and warm toward him.
(d) She goes and gets the conductor to throw him out.

12. What does Gus brag to Roy about when they are talking in Memo's motel room?
(a) He brags about how much money he has.
(b) He brags about how good he is at gambling.
(c) He brags about how he takes advantage of people.
(d) He brags about his prowess as a ball player.

13. How does Roy feel about Bump Bailey?
(a) He dislikes him because of his bad jokes and his lack of respect for the team or the coach.
(b) He tries to teach Bump some techniques to help the team.
(c) He is jealous of Bump's relationship with the coach.
(d) He looks up to him as a mentor, since both play the outfield.

14. What will it take for Roy to be relieved from his suffering?
(a) For him to undergo a change in his values.
(b) To help his teammates become better people.
(c) To get medical help from his doctor.
(d) For him to win a big game.

15. What two things does Roy find out about Red that makes him think the team needs his help?
(a) His zest for the game and his loyalty to the team.
(b) His sexual escapades and his laziness.
(c) His need for a winning game and his respect for Roy.
(d) His age (old) and the fact he has never won a game.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are Bump Bailey's two main vices?

2. What warning does Red give Roy that he ignores?

3. By what name does Roy call his personal bat?

4. How does Roy relate to Pop?

5. Who is Max Mercy?

(see the answer keys)

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