Native Son Test | Final Test - Medium

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Native Son Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Bigger feel committing murder has changed his life?
(a) It has given meaning to his life.
(b) He feels it has opened the door to opportunity.
(c) He feels powerful and ready to kill again.
(d) He is afraid he will spend the rest of his life on the run.

2. What things does Mrs. Dalton question Bigger about when she comes to his room?
(a) About Mary leaving her new clothing behind.
(b) About Jan Erlone's involvement with the communists.
(c) About where the car was parked, the trunk and Jan Erlone.
(d) About where he took Mary the night before.

3. What does Bigger say when Bessie asks if he murdered Mary Dalton?
(a) He admits that he killed Mary and tells Bessie he'll tell everyone she helped him.
(b) He denies killing Mary, but admits he stole money from her.
(c) He admits that he killed Mary and threatens Bessie, too.
(d) He laughs and says Mary killed herself by jumping in the river and he just watched.

4. What happens after Jan Erlone sees Bigger on the street and offers to help him, then invites him out for coffee to talk about the situation?
(a) Bigger pulls a gun on Jan Erlone.
(b) Bigger tells Jan Erlone he doesn't need his help.
(c) Bigger runs away.
(d) Jan Erlone runs away when he sees Bigger has a knife.

5. What does the white cat do while Bigger is being questioned by the police and reporters?
(a) Sits staring intently at Bigger.
(b) Jumps on his shoulder, then walks around his feet.
(c) Jumps on his shoulder and digs in its claws.
(d) It keeps looking from the furnace to Bigger and back again.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Britten backs Bigger against the wall and grabs his collar asking him about the pamphlets Jan Erlone gave him?

2. How do the police finally catch Bigger?

3. What happens when one of the men discovers bone and an earring in the ashes?

4. What does Bigger finally do after wandering the streets looking for food and shelter?

5. How much money does Bigger show Bessie to try to impress her?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the Loeb and Leopold case that gave Bigger the idea to pretend Mary was kidnapped and collect a ransom?

2. Why did Bigger decide to try to blame Jan and the Communist Party for the kidnapping?

3. Although Bigger was very quick with his deceit and able to think on his feet, so to speak, in what way was he becoming his own worst enemy?

4. What kind of power did Bigger have over Bessie that she continued to obey his direction even though she knew it was wrong?

5. What was Bessie's reaction when Bigger arrived at her apartment the morning after the murder of Mary?

6. The morning after Mary's killing, as Bigger rode the street car on his way back to the Dalton house, he spent a lot of time reflecting on the plight of black people. Explain what Bigger thought would be a solution to their fear and shame.

7. How did Bigger feel about killing Bessie?

8. When Bigger awoke in the morning after Mary's death, what happened when he remembered what he had done the night before?

9. What things made the Daltons begin to worry about their daughter being gone?

10. What was the argument Bigger had with his family as he tried to pack his things the day after Mary's death?

(see the answer keys)

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