Native Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Native Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Bigger say white people live?
(a) Inside him and all other black people
(b) On the south side of Chicago
(c) Inside fancy mansions
(d) In the ghetto

2. Who does Bigger see when he, Mary and Jan enter the restaurant?
(a) Gus, Jack and G.H.
(b) Jack and Bessie Mears
(c) Gus and Bessie Mears
(d) Jack and G.H.

3. What does Mr. Dalton's company own?
(a) The oldest bank in the city.
(b) A construction company.
(c) A limo service.
(d) The home in the ghetto where Bigger lives.

4. On Bigger's first night at work, what does he, Mary and Jan do as they drive around the park?
(a) Talk about Mary's upcoming trip.
(b) Drink until they all pass out.
(c) Get drunk and read pamphlets
(d) Drink beer, rum and talk about communism.

5. Why does Mrs. Dalton express disappoint in Bigger?
(a) Because he does not want to continue his education.
(b) Because he doesn't like her family.
(c) Because he has a prison record.
(d) Because he is in a gang.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who answers the door when Bigger finally knocks on the door of the Dalton house?

2. Where does Bigger and Mary take Jan after their evening out?

3. When Peggy gives Bigger dinner, what other job does she tell Bigger he must do?

4. Where is Mary Dalton expected to go on the day after Bigger is hired by her father?

5. What happens when Bigger tries to dispose of Mary's body?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does it mean about Bigger "Feeling his blackness," even more after Mary Dalton and Jan Erlone's attempts at being friendly?

2. Why did Bigger help Mary to her room instead of waking her parents and letting them know her drunken condition?

3. After all the gory details of the way he disposed of Mary's body, how was Bigger reacting?

4. How does Bigger really feel about holding up Blum's Delicatessen?

5. Why does Bigger panic when Mrs. Dalton enters Mary's room while he is in there?

6. Why does Bigger seem to take an instant dislike to Mary Dalton?

7. Why did Bigger want to kill the cat?

8. After Bigger realized Mary was dead, why didn't he even consider just telling the truth?

9. What happened when Mary's body didn't fit into the furnace?

10. Why do the Dalton's make Bigger feel so uncomfortable?

(see the answer keys)

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